35 weeks, first pregnancy.. no leaking? - 1st Pregnancy | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (2024)

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First pregnancy, and I have 0 leakage from my boobs. I had heard multiple women that leaked or got a supply in while pregnant.

I’m extremely nervous as I really want to pump and be able to provide for my baby in that way. Has any one else had this experience of no milk? Did it come in after baby? Should I try to stimulate milk production?

Thanks in advance..❤️

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Everyone’s bodies are different! I’ve been leaking for weeks and just got 2 mL of colostrum my first time expressing. Whereas my sister who breastfed both of her children never leaked and wasn’t able to express or pump any colostrum before they were born. She didn’t have any supply issues once the babies were born

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Don't worry at all mine came in as soon as he was born. I ended up being an over producer so I donated some and was able to breast feed my little man until 18 months when I wanted to.

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38 weeks here and I have no leakage. You are not alone. (First pregnancy as well)

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I didn't leak at all and only got my first milk 3 days after delivering my baby. I ended up donating about 1000 oz and fed my baby for 18m. I exclusively pumped and never bf.

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I had baby #2 in January. Zero leaking during either pregnancy, milk came in on schedule on the second day after birth for both of them (even though I'm still BF the toddler as well, my supply significantly upped after #2 was born to feed both).
Baby only needs a tiny amount of colostrum in the first few days so no need for a huge supply from the get go, it'll all going to even out to meet the demand!

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I didn't leak and I had enough milk to feed my LO for 15 months and still donate over 10L of milk. Neither breast size, nor leakage are predictors of milk supply. The big thing is stimulation once your baby is here :)

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I hand expressed from 37 weeks, massage down towards nipple for 10minutes before trying to express. I started to get a few mls. After baby was born he fed immediately after birth for 90 minutes came off me once while I got out of the pool. He’s fed so well since. He is 2 weeks oldtoday. Try not to worry I read some people can express some people can’t until baby is born, I’m a first time mum

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first of all don't panic! easier said than done I know, but try not to worry about milk supply right now. If you have any concerns once you give birth there should be a lactation consultant who will help you with latch and explain the milk production.
You'll want to try latching on the first day and by the second or so your baby should start to cluster feed and that stimulates more production. When your baby wants more, the more you let them try then the more you will start to produce after that.
Also DO NOT panic if your baby loses weight the first couple of weeks as that is very normal. With my first, they made me give some formula because her weight dropped and I pumped like crazy thinking I wasn't able to provide enough milk. I caused too much supply and I couldn't pump enough to relieve the amount I was making, then I got so mamy clogs and those hurt.
Now with my second, I only pump before I sleep, which I stopped in the last week. I'm doing so much better than my first experience. Your body will make milk for the times you use it most also. Basically if you don't feed overnight then you'll stop making a lot of milk overnight, but you may have a supply when your baby wakes in the morning. It's really amazing when you let your body figure out the schedule.

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I'm a STM and didn't leak with either of mine! I breastfed both babies well past the one year mark!

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The Zomee Z2 is FANTASTIC!!! Plus, it is portable and keeps you from having to stay connected to a cord in the wall!! Highly recommend!!

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