The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

-1 i i i I I i 1 4. III I M' "I I 1 1 I I -f i i -3 ay lm i t. mm mm- jw j. 1 11- 1 1 I i hi 111 I i wint 1 wit rj'-ie It) "Tfffi'' JT FFALOj SAT URBA lift i'i I 1: irVppJME; XXX. VJt ill1 BtBtNXiSS CXxlCi; -ait 1 BATS, CAPS -ICllSs prisoners.

The remainder of tha fleet, under il6 19 for crude, and lslldQZs pm fQ fhr MflftisoL IVHEELER.UAnilEYSAYAEREH Lieut -CoL Muiioro, are on tneir war to An Sep Patesi I American Securities Tka market on FrL it- a a a i napoiix, that being tha plaee destined for i' OffUe He Wl lUta Mwi, i i Aa iafrsBSs, i munni axd nonimM or their disembarkation. The total number of day was downward Wittr small salea. Uliaois Cent BE. MVgU discount; Unlt-d StatM ry eight miles north of the town. AH tha bridges on the road from Fonytk tr IndlAa' Springs were burned by onr forcea.

1 ki i i The tteCiowtcer pnbiianaa tbe annexed aewa 'ajbontalata: sw i The latest ob tne front in Georgia im received from gentleman Who left Grime Wednesday, a it IV if i Gea. Wheeler fooght the ianamy who was prisoners to be bronght np by tha whole fleet BirTFS'AIiv Wo. KnlttmLer HOW AliO COMMERCIAL AnvZRTTSKR si I mi s. aaa in mMia9 is esttmstea at ana judging from the appearance of those already received, must be lAtsatviaUverpoet. -i i Uy paper lo tbe city delivered or J.

FKASKB to. Tsa.wx, in a deplorable mu uy mmu vwxmj araning (except bunAays) A HOW ram mra a APVAao. ks. axs.AWswAmm A CK, 1 Gen. Scbenck arrired here this morning from Litsatoox.1 Noi 12th Evening Cotton sales today were IS 000 bales taelndinf 3y000 hales -to speculator tt and exportera.

'sm -a. i 1 1 i r. General I Baltimore, on a runt to toe Irani. mEI-WIXKLT COMMERCIAL a-lv1nB; mill all the raiding matter of The Savannah BetmbUcan of the 21st savs arva 'l market is buoyant with an advance of JiOK3 iknt ssask, bai, aaEiw, I TKTiTOi2D BBam main sTxtxcri Kyi gl rift AlH. that the telegraph brings us no information of tea caily, haa very large circulation by mail.

$5JJ0 ra iim ni adv Ajfca. ajdranctncrwltk a force estimated at from to 30,000, In two columns, one on tha cDonough, the other on tbe Jonesboro road at Bear Creek, soma tan miles above Griffin utDtil late in the evening when be feU back to Griffin, and was passing through that city an I 'sm-awt aWPmaM I bava WIWWII I i SJ sw meir TAU AN0 WINTB11I per nr. Rreadataflb Market ttteaJr. 1 1 1 Urn. 11 CmmtKmX WmMXtHKttmMh wnereADouu ana intentions of tne enemv.

8TTLKHO a 'lK5aWW wuca tberwUi TJUTTALO PATRIOT AND JOUHNAL ii it i Provisions Market dull. Lard firm, Tal fTHAN AN who are said to hare left Atlanta in force some days since, and the reports brought by passen- I mmm. I mintMr. havtnr. a very extensive dremauon in Btock eonateis' tt-i jtSJaAHOBB-Titauis.

It Jf- HAftgea Oeta. Inar ateadr. the towns of tula its right wne jut mroi maar lew. adjoining eoutiM, a valuable tor merchant and others who 1. av.

i gra ana pnrate tetters are so wgne ana eon Londob. Satnrday EveniaK, Nor. 12 Con I PRO It ft SlfiMi Wlf atedhua of ants. CblcaxtL. etcai Ti 1 1 i I tradictory, there is no such thing as founding a i Urtntnv IS-f lle8rs- sols closed at 91(3 91U for aaoaev.

Wise to command to country trade. Vberwood. Kama tt Xfemmieaioi; ''i- "ii ft'lU'Ht'. Uur infantry lorces were auing dack so raatviBai'-i. -i It is probable that tke time we write this any intelligent opinion Afascaaata, 8t loala, Haj Americaa Stocka rkt Mtail; HL Central Taylor, Browa i til r.p fjct'kw'i-l fBTOT, I 'LOO Awrou on advaactb, RatM Of AdTrtlllMr KewXotk.

Farmers' add 51 62 discount Passengers wio arrived here from Macon and points on tha line of the road this morn Mechanlcs' Bank. JBmtato. QBNTtSCUK HAT-ltlas. 1 QANTJ CAPS. of all stylaa.


WRgMOH VOHXY AND KOOK. MARTTN BITS, i GKNT'H yilH MDWaXJCBA. ATAPA AXTTA QilllVF. erman occupies linai ana win. rspiaiy apiS a si ajmhrnteiiliHS BliaiiljiEeliUr monsbAte upon Macon -And perhaps MaU J-lVJ.

't mmm 1 JlCSr ing, say that tbe enemy's cavalry force was Moid Shippings-Arrived from New York tbe th, Qepublic at Portemonth IOtk, Martha at Ply-moath. Sailed for New York tbe 9th, J.AB. ad known at the Counting Boom, where all ordara tor the Newspapers, Advertisem*nt, Printing of even ktad, will be attended to- All communications should be post-paid, and ad. within seven miles of Griswoldville, the first Book nder. tenting Offlce, dgerilla.

We leam front a reliaWe souroetbei Gow 1 Young from' Antwerp: steamship Caledonia BOOK MSSUtXCTOKX, rown'S' residence, la Cab ton, cnerokee station soutn of Macon, and tnat tne main Dody of Sherman's army was some 23 miles from 11 led jte villa It was reported that that place a no iw pyppnosora WBJttLJEB MATTHEWS WARREN. Akd ftLASK LKTS. brAciss; bisT oommadioM vdwelling-house, Xt STATiaWBST and FAFSB Winter WBWTAUt, a. T. -HAKBUOI Fsu BewAlred aa tma Saiorteet NaUee.

tchen, outhouses, etc, with his office and was being evacuated by the citizen a Tbe leg ltotiiliy Sewing Slachiiics i from New York at Glasgow tbe 12th, brought ia tbe ship Ayrshire Laas from Miramichi, dismasted and water-logged. Tha Captain and two of the crew were drowned. Tha ship Leopold from New York for Havre, which put lea IfOAVi If 1 straws. HIQHS8T CASH PKJCBS naU Air All Maaa rd I ier bnudiQKsX. were all burned to tne grottna AT.

JOBS3QK islature adjoured on Friday night, and members left with some degree of precipitation. bjy the vandal foe a few days sgo. The officer in command of the ivandals wllb 0mwm3 Mvtximx. ISAAC BOJLI4 WA 'ffEASE'S PATENT PAiflt ta Keiliv tne zau oi Aujruai, leaay, nas oeen HAW AAJLMS. S31 BfAIII STREET.

TQC10 BBBQTOIJ) A BKW. THB BEST ASSORTMENT OP were sent to execute the work tbeyeo rothleea- iiii fjgfa i- condemned. Additional Foreign News by the Asia. fLrirVhoTvineprem lWm Jm Saturday Ercnlng, November 26, 1864. A taiflnw Lotter from th President BTAwftmcL.

easBsao platfokmh. tnn only fifteen minutes to remove taetriw Halifax, Nor. 25. The steamship Asia from Liverpool 12tb, uic Lra i rnuiua at ioe lata jitats Eingllsn ajid VaAerleaa niturs from the house, and all that was not re ii WT ork' Nbw Jawer. Penasrl4, PonasrliaBtAt Ztor.

ajaAl Waaw ttca auoAtUllA.MBA, 1 WntA. lfTor- anil fsin IHivbbt Bostoa. Nov. 25. kyOniaAnBtAaDOAfeha ria Queenstown 13tb, urrired here at 7 o'clock this moraine.

She had 15 passenirers for Hal Mrs. Bixbey. tbe recipient of tha following letter from Piesident Lincoln, Is a poor widow ifax and 23 for Boston. moved within tbat time, was destroyed by taa flames. 4 The same party burned the court house, ademy, both hotels, the jail, and about two- U8T NIGHT'S DISPATCHES.

General Sherman News from Rebel Sources. ENVELOPES AND 8TATI0NEHT, 1,11 BJK3SIJ SAXxnm. livinif in the 11th Ward ot this city. Her sixth Hi The steamer Scotia, from New York, ar wDO was severely, wounaea in a recent Tbe work execntes by the Grow Baker achus has received the FIRST PKKJtrCX BtverTBta" rived at Lirerpool on tbe morning of the 12th. The steamship Saxonia has gone into her battle is now lying in the Eeadville Hospital: TB-B city, ahd jrmir ia me t'BiiMjstateA waera It has beea axblbltaa.u thirds of the best dwelling and business houses ii Canton.

A force of some 3,000 or 4,000 vandals were wftbin a mile or two of tbe town while seme qrooerlen, Bragay Uedicines 6 Oili. wooos, rmr arorra, vsmuuw 6lab. ftp. STREET. Exacorrvn Maksion, THTBIX dock at Southampton for repairs.

Her mails, passengers, bc, were transferred to the lisat. "Washinotoit, Nor. 21. Preminm Petroleum Bert Htde, Dear Madam I have been shown in the FOB SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES I AUrti" roVf anuomg peiow Benaca street, BnaAlO. 7 of tbe baud were sent into the town under gnaarhmtitebe-THX QROV1 CH, and THB hHUTTLJE aTrP and TH1I iTFrvfr flies of the War Department a statement of Tbe accident to tbe Saxonia's machinery oc aa omcer with orders, to burn the house of call lied "Lock btotcth i-ha.

a the Adjutant General of Massachusetts tbat curred five dayt after she left New York She v. Brown, the public buildinflrs and houses MWMHAL ISAAC COHEN. M. broke ner stern box and bad to lay to for fire of all who have been prominent Southern men. you are the mother of five sons who have died trlorionslv on tha field of battle.

I feel how the'jr teonUar marks and exeeUeadea VoaAotse par- lxisee the one atltcb la better adapted, and for -rvt purposes tke other, and a sWecUoasboold lalwajabe'' made aceordlnglv. ARTHUR CHRISTEVfi lit is now evident tbat Sherman has iaauTilr SIS -uT i. I SAndcesSo the people of Bnflilo and Viemlty. and days during a heavy gale. Her stern pipe compartment Sf.ed witb water, but With the ex I TERPENTINE AND NAPTHA.

weak and fruitless must be any address of ted a witer campaign, and that Geonri i win ranuar sauaiacuoa toaU wbo mav favor him wits selS NO. mine which should attempt to beguile you from MAIN BTRKBT. ception of a few bagn of coffee, her cargo bus- i The Grover A Bakv rv. i- tqe neia wnion ne designs to desolate. the grief oi a loss so orerw helming; bat I can Office Ne.

438 JBUeatAajaui Btraea. JA terrible crisis therefore is upon da. Eva-man in the State abe to bear arms should kti taefc-catabratws' GSOVSR. tAKMH i ITCH mavr.hlrwaa. tha mnat TJ rFWa.

i a- GEOOEEIBS, not refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Cir-rartteuar attentloa paid to Baeaaxattam and "hoc 8TmjlotSI3 "iS5 tined no injury Sue was driven so much out of ber coarse as to have been within 200 miles of Greenland. Tbe Board of Trade bare ordered an inquiry into the loss of (he steamer Jura. I puroaaeen the opportanlty of aelaotlnK. afiar trial aad Republic they died to sare. uuww oi ramaiea ana utuulreu.

7 to 10 ETCv, ETft, Cheap tor Cash rally to the rescne. tin the hands of the military authorities, hewever, the defence of the State Is left. We hive no suggestion to make. What we have I pray that our Hearenly Father may bb- whw wuii, lu nw Dost sniLea lo lhaF wants. Other companies Buumtoctura bnt tmtkatdar and auavAaiiw Mi.ihi, Later adricesfrom Madeira, confirm the re saage tbe anguish or your bereavement, and leave yon only the cherished memory of the lotuon to their cask) mors.

1 7 lcktg looked for has come at last i CLARK ROSS, Conveyancer and Motary Public, DKKD8, BONDS and MOKTXlArJIlH drawn port that the gtevqer Laurel, from Lirerpool, had transferred crew to a lwee -screw steam loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must I FIFTH UTleGrtJver A BakerS. a Cn am CPEBtB, W1IAXJS, CASTOR, BANK, i NEATSFOOT, EIjEPHANT, id OUTE, TAliLOW, TANNER'S, WOOJL, fUff A. REYNOLDS er named tbe S4 Kintr, Madeira. Thirtr-six Gold Market. aoatnees ad dlspatrh, at OHB-BAUT tbe asnal fees.

men, however, refused to join the Sea Kins. who mancfactare and Bell machines which botABJtW PKRFBCTLT and BMBBOIDKR fKluHcTLY. ur mice Lna tn hjht mmni Rrm n. and were sent btk to Liverpool I-Ra. Boifalo N.

KuKtt dt.r Naw To ax. Nov. 25. A namnhlet emtalnlti bW AT Nos. 155 and 157 Main Street, Offer at Wholesale and Be tall, tiRBAT iSaiT4N.

Tbe JSBKliBh journals te yours to bare laid so costly a sacrince upon the altar of Freedom. Yours, very sincerely and respectfully, A. Lincoln. To Mrs. Bixby, Boston, Mass.

Incendiarism in New York. (Gold weak. Itopened at 230. fell to 217. Bakar Utitrh anJ Khr sample of boih theGreva fihoUte rUlcA In rariaoa Ubrlca.

pnblish the effiial correspondence between the American Cnsul at Bahia aud the Presi I wlthfulHeMlaiiaUons, diagrams and Uloswtjoms, tj AA duurramB and lllnuntinK. tJZ rose to 2194 and fel1 again to 218. varshasen to aawe trrt anil 0,000 POUNDS PVfAE WHITE LEAD, re dent of that Proinc-v Uudor this correspon aUre BAerlts, will be ftunlshed. on reeneai.tMai oaxt i The Bogus Peace Rumors. 1 wmivrj.

i huh who aaura mft. ifORSALM ANDTO RENT, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. BTHE SUBSCBIBEB OMFS.R& FOB salesome of finest Building Lota in the City of tin size to suit purchasers. located' dence some, of tk English journals reiterate their denunciattns ot the seizure of the CMoee which rto tha but wrLnhmid a.i The Best and Cheapen In Buffalo. 8,000 Gals.

English Linseed Oil I VT mm I for tfcnuefaa11'' 1Dd Meas attlctiaB Florida. I OKA, JJIOT. 19. The OommtrciaTi Washintrtoa special savs: WniTE liGAIa, VARNISH, Tbe London Jfyrnino Star says: Although No reliance is placed here naMWnB-iara aH 80 CHESTS BLACK AKDGREEW TEAS the Federal acdints of the seizure of the BAKmr8 BBwTOQMACHrW COT' is made the bee BnroDean mannfactnrara. ud ou the following streets North William.

Maj-inur pdace negotiations pnblished by the Philadel jaam, aorta reari, rarx, and College streets. Title Office corner Main and Kant Florida have notWen received, there can be Tenna liberal. on spools of ftAorfiOO vards. amvuh, phia JSventng Telegraph, yesterday. Of different grades.

Some very fine at 1 V. lb. FIFTY BAOS COFFEE. vl Baker tik M. Co.

In mnananBr tswan streets. AUlStf uonaio, August IB, it. 1 A. B. MBBCH.

no doubt that a Viy gross violation of neutrality has beea ctomitted, and it hopes that tbe United StateArovernatent will repudiate the transaction add offer satisfaction to COLORS, all kind, Ac- Fresh Boasted cqd Umely arranmmenU with them 'MP0eAtaWarSa' another leading tmrfactmr-rt. DAY. ana uroana uosee FARM FOR SALE. THJC FARM. 8ITDATED (VS rait rmVY BAAAK'S HACHIWT Brazil.

er brow of the near Lewtmnn. KIamm CrKOCERIES. It adds, "The Aierican nation is strone COOntV. N. six mile north nf HiajriM Valla Not.

to The Government today received the following dispatches Cmr Point, Nor. 18. There ia nothing new or Important this morning, except the arrival of rebel deserters, who report the occupation of Macon by Gen. Sherman. Fost Movaoi, Nov.

24. The steamers Atlantlo and Blackatone arrived here tbia forenoon with 1,225 prisoner; 10 'were lost on the voyage. They left Savannah Hirer on the 22d inst. The Baltics was loading when she left The exchange of prisoners was going on well. Captain Gray Bays just before he left there ft was reported that Macon and Milledgeville were bnrned.

The Legislature was in session at Milledgeville, bnt was dissolved in baste, and the members had scattered in every direction. The following Is taken from the Savannah JUpublican ot tbe 21st inst Coaim-th, Nov. 18th, viaSelma, ltth. To the People of Georgia: Arise for the defence of your native soil, bally around your patriotic Governor and gallant soldiers. Obstruct and destroy all the roads on Sherman's front, flank and rear, and his army will soon starve in your midat.

Be confident. Be resolute. Trust in an over-ruling Providence, and success will soon crown your efforts. I hasten to join you in the defence of your homes and firesides. (Signed) G.

T. Bsaurboard. Richmond, Nov. 12 To the people of Georgia: We hare had a special conference with President Davis and the Secretary of War, ad we are able to assure you that they hare done and are still doing all that can be done to meet the emergency that presses upon you. Let every man fly to arms.

Remove your negroes, horses, cattle and provisions from Sherman's army barn what you ctn't "sarry. Burn avll bridges, and block np the road on his route. Assail the invader in front, flank and rear by night and day. Let him have no ret. J.

II. Raysolas, Gkx. N. Lkstba, EekwkiuBi Jas. M.

Smith. rlfACOW, Nov. 1 The military authorities Are active and vigilant, and every man is under arms, oonfldence being restored. The enemy are beiiered to be on oar right, distant abot)t SO miles. The city will be defended to the last Savannah, Nov.

21. A. privatn dispatch received, in tail oity this A. from Macon, fays the enemy crossed the Ocmulgee in force yesterday at Planter's factory, eight miles east of Indian Spring. They are repertetf to be from 80,0 0 to 40,00 strong.

This would seem to strengthen the belief that Aagosta is their object. Toe Central Railroad near Greer woldville was cat at 3 P. on the 20th. telegraph is also destroyed. Communication between Savannah nd Macon is destroyed and the wires between Gordon and MilledgevUle are cut also.

5 Washington, Nov. 28. aocwgiuaea as me eat ana "tTAti. any qnandilea desired, at wholeaala oc retail, at tha lowest market price. i i Familv Savins TJona tn rwla enough to wait for le capture these cruis 1b oflered for sale.

It consists of Two Hundred and Rice, Soap, Stax cIa, Candles, BAaxlng PI Naw Toax, Nov. 25. Fires occurred this evening at the St. Nicholas Hotel, Lafarge House and Barn urn's Museum. Three or four rooms were damaged in the former by fire, and considerable Injury done by water.

Tbe Lafarge House was not damaged, but Kreat excitement was occasioned in the Winter Garden, in the same building, for a while though no injury was done to life or limb. The business of either house was not interfered with. Barnum's Museum was evidently set on fire, 'out only slightly injured. Here panic ensued, tut beyond dresses being torn, no injury was done. These fires are quite coincident, to say the least.

The St James, Lovejoy and Belmont Hotels iiave also been on fire tonight, but no real damage done. Alarms are frequent, and perhaps other hotels have been tired, for all is doubtless' the Work of incendiaries. The Ore department is active, and nothing serious is feared. amy octet oi lAna, is well lro proved, good bml- Sf wv WW Ba BtVA ers in due rorm. lk triumph of tbe Kear-arge lost none of ileclat from the previous career of its victim, Ind we know of nothing VI- Powder, Kjaialna, rulta, Nats, Spices, Etc, Etc.

Etc, Of EVERY ORADE AND DESCRIPTION! GROTBR A BABTKB If. ttot. 829 aUln.stramt. Bnnala 9 which could so raisa reputation of tbe gov- of timber land for he use of the farm. For orice and WHOLESALE AND inns, apply to J.

O. B. rumeut oi tne uniteutaies among its mends tm -I 1 RETAIL, WHEELEE WJISOK T. BVaNo, Buffalo. M.

aoiiu ma i PURE AVIAES AI1 IiIC(170B8. in Europe aa a promj offer of reparation to 5 2 11 IT Brazil for tbiB unquedpnable and unpardona For Sale er to ttent. THE FOUR STORY BRHTK STORin GOOD COOKING BRANDY. LQOIC STITCH- ble outrage." Tobacco, Cla-Ajre, Snuff. Paiiita, Oila, Quantities to Suit Purchaeer Tne JJa France anqbnees tbat Braefl has Noe.

30 and 33 Pearl street, 60 feat wide by 116 fmtdeeD. Aver? desirable Slarm fur crti. Varniataes, Brnshe, broken off friendly Rations with the United cr a Ramify Sewing Machines? stales on account of seizure of the Florida. 6 Hi 'v1 tIJ ETKRT GRADE AlfD DESCRIPTION! 100 DOZ. VAXIA, TUBS ATTO IIKOOIrlS.

Bive business wholesale or manufacturing. 76 per cent of the purchase money may remain cn bond and mortgage for ten years. Enquire next door, of C. WOODBUFF, BoStdeT Noa. 84 and 36 fnarl at rant Tbe Army and No) Gazette gays: A very CP.

coDgiderable Dumbeipf officers of the British a 3 SITE'S 3C a FOB A A W-ELL-ESTAB- 5.000 BXS. OI WlRUOW IlliLVS. trmy hare now rimt tbe American camps in 'he North aud South. No instance of affront or iiuoyanee offered to em has ever reached ns. JtLLY an I UKOCAKY.

with an excel Awarded as being the I llest i amily Sewans Macklsco IN THB by the JteraaJlonal Exhibition, London, 186 Also at Paria, fjranee lgi COLD MEDALS au.u F. S. PEASE, i jrrencn, ungnso and American. lent ran of custom. One of ihu hent bUfinese In thecitv.

Also, a lance variety of VIALS. Ac. at Also, a laree Brick Ball dine, well calcnlatd far Oil Manofactarer, 61 and 63 llatn St. -auwiuacLurera' rices. and adds: If any oner desires to see what in sing in the Ameran camps we beliere he accomplish his oect by simply presenting himself in hip propeiuniform to any superior manaractarlng porposes.

-i "y1. jvuquirsn O-UMIm HAJNJTOKD, )W Main street. 10,000 POUNDS PITTTT, In Kegs, Cans and Bladders. HOTEL tVU MAJS ACTURERS. WOOD.

Canstie SodA and Oil of Vitro L. for B. 'AJNDLKb Bost made, la auantittes to salt sms LTJafBBB OH COAL DBALBH8 the laige lot of 1 aad on the northwest corner nf Trrar mH -r( Z7 rrf 30 Finara. apl A. REYNOLDS 4 IBS and 157 Main St.

'TnQTWN "TAN MBCHAlnC 1N8T1TOTB7 W-A6B. i fntOiuul New Tork, reports kes thejOjock and ranks "iST the elasticity, permanence, beautTandgenaralei Ltturcb streett, 181 68 100 feet on Terrace by 128)4 feet on Church street, upon which are now standing several old frame boUdlnga, is offered for tale at a very low price, in parcels if desired I a Si. n9 AJDAMANTTNB CANDLBB All sisea. PARAPTNB CANDLES. i F.

8. PBA8X, Oil Mannfkctnrar, fnylS and o8 Mala atraeA HAJrcrAOTUKsa, uolksaxb and Kbtaii. Daalju ia -I i j. viuiaxi, 1 1 a loci ironi on ca nal. lOO feet deerj.

with 60 fees, on Pnnrth air.t -a rlfm of its armliiBonT" jolting 1b rear, ISO feet deep, lyine between Court XTT Valnabfe Improvements are lntmint LD CIIEQIEUED STORE. YESTERDAY'S SECOND EDITION Arrival from Hilton Head Macon and Milledjeville Captured and Bnrned. Washington, Nov. 26. The Republican publishes a dispatch from Fort Monrove this morning which says: The IT.

S. transport steamers Atlantic and Black-itone hare arrived from Savannah, bringing Savannah and Hilton Head dates to the 21st ins'. These steamers bring 125 of our soldiers who hare been prisoners of war at An-dersonsrille and elsewhere. It is learned by these arrivals that Beacre-tcard had issued a proclamation dated Corinth, Nor. 18th, oalling on the people of Georgia to Lay waste and destroy everything around Sherman in his front, rear and upon his flank and announcing that he would soon be with them.

When the steamer left Savannah a report had just reached there that Macon aad Milledge-ville had been captured and burned by Sherman. Rebel Account of the March of General S3 2 o- rTr OFTfint Am TO DlDrvc tAT21 tantAOi "on. ireet sna the Old Cotton Factory. Aji-, Lot of 800 feet front on Efner street, between Georgia and Carolina streets, with abjnt luO feet on i iviuiM -T nrf ah. TruaiJi, SU Carpet Values, Mfi Bagt Etc, lfe'ii Etc.

a- OiLs? a 2. "lySU at bilsbt, Ajrent vijui Hnm. cuuuoamff witn aame in rear. aaTABJUIHHSD WILLIAM LAVERACK, AIM. CITY SHIP CIA A I.

IjT A omcer. A statement havinbeen put forth that Garibaldi had virtually pressed himself In favor of the South, priva letter from the General ii published, in who be asserts that he has been miaunderstoodid says: "My opinion one American question Is well known. Not aly do I hope from it the Htxilition of sltveHbut I consider the ques-'hin to be one a9ecfc all mankind, and woe to the world if ttitNorth does not come out victorious Earl Russell hsjeen installed Rector of berdeen Untpersitiln the course of aspeeob which he made on tocoasion, he said: There is anothebrtfon of the globe where ve still have to lnt scenes of bloodshed. We still have to lant the bloody arbitrament of war in Americai We have to lament tbat that war has not yeften brought to a close. there is any brigbpot in the dark scene, "it for the American te.f I can't believe but the civil war In i'rtca, whichever way it 1nay end, whe'ber States unite again, or PI rn 2 Lot on Buffalo 'rafk and 4hin rianal nmvutt.

4 A. hS8 3 a i EXLY'S BAZAAR otjiajsxmcieDt for an Blavaiior irSDOCBSSOB TO HOLLI8TKB LAYBBACK.1 I SOB WAJSH1NOTON STREET, ts PS 00 NO. 944 MAIN STREET. of all binds mads to order. PAfKTNO done on "bort noHce.

nrl noia i 'LYOH MAg AH, Brie Land Offlce. for Bale. OLESALE AND KKTATL niCAT.ftR A L.OT ON NORTH 8IDE ALLEN in MILLIHERY AND STRAW GOODS street, i feet West of Park street 70 by ioe feet Will be divided if desired aad sold low and on KOCEKIES, eiusy terras- Knqnixe cf JAS. D. WABHEN.

Drii, Wines, Palats, Oll. Elc. ky See adviartlsbg colnmn ifayi lri'.i FASM FOB SAXF, sr re -5 3) Ob oy go 5S SOB SPUING TJRAPEI james Wright, C2 tn so JTOH SALK. A FARM HIT SKVKN. S9 a "-4 PIANOS! PIANOS! Sherman.

TT ACRB8 twenty acres of it wood land nated fire miles from Main Tatar 3S Late Georgia papers have been received Kere. The Savannah Nto of the 19th says We have authentic information that the enemy ft a appeared pefire Macon, and another raiding party has cowe down probably from Covington on the tract of the Stoneman raid, and is said to have reached the little (own of Wallace, in Jonee county, a few miles north of the Hilledgerille and Gordon Railroad, last night or early this morning. It Js reported that this party burned Monti-fcello, the county seat of Jasper county, and the little town of HUlboro, in the south of that county. No doubt they are aiming to strike the railroad at Gordon, and thus stop the passage of the cars orer either the Central or the Milledgerille roads, And perhaps, proceed to Camp Lawton to release the Federal prisoners or do general damage la that direction. We hare also reports apparently authentic, that the enemr res rdar mad An attack upon.

street road. For further Darticnlars sdtjIv to ilitMRR No. 228 Main 36d Main Street, Buffalo, ra Street. Ocfit4 wbetber there is to aunai separation, 1 can but believ tbat out these events the African race are to receive tjr freedom." Memorial in farm Muller hare been prevented to Sir Georgjrey, the Home Secretary. The result is 1 yet announced, but report says he declil to interfere.

Prepara FFERS TO THE ATTENTION OF rvajnaF i uneearowaga, or to THOMAS J. SIZBfi. No. onrt street. BotEnro.

jelttdfll8tnth For Sale. itottr STORY BRICK. STORK OK A flrst class dweHlrur house on Delaware street. Has Wholesale and Uetail Bayers, fall and complete a a vf I MANHOOD. A ND THE Vl()Ti ntr vai.

(tuuca Ul BONNETS, RIBBONS, 81X.KB, Cj a a ST a S- 3 L. ABIES', SII8SB8 AND OHJXBKJEN I Dr. kmb. out. ana coin waierj nrnace, and all the modern 1 "rt f- -icoro, r-ane,) arte CO luiuivTuutaiia ana one rarn.

venrs of earnest solicitation, has at lemrth acceded tn several nieces of verr dodrthliL ImnmvMl lm. thf! HATS, FRENCH FliOWEBS, ENGLISH CRAPES, BIONBS, wens request or ue American DabUe, ana BtrT tted aa Airent in New York, for ih.i. -iTU V' point smeee property, oantarally located. A story and a half Jt noo5 ana a anmbor of low-priced "Hsmjt la-uitai aance oi idie. This wooder- William Knabe Forsyth, Monroe county, on the Macon and REAJ.

GCIPUBE AND THREAD EA- ful agent wui restore Vaabood to the aaeat sbAttared tp9tf O. OOTTUB, 190X Mala street. DODS1 Western Railroad and were signally repulsed. iBUturaona. in Tnnr a printed metroctiona.

tallum la nTAr BALTIJtlORE, Hlr, AAjra-FAOTtraxBa or Baltimorb, Nov. 13. The American of this city has the following highly Interesting and exciting intelligence, taken from late Georgia papers: The Augusta Chronicle of the 19th inst, contains the following appeal to the Georgians, by Senator Hill: Richmond, Nov. 18th. To the people of Georgia: You have now the best opportunity ever yet presented to you to destroy tbe enemy.

Put everything at the disposal of our Generals. Remove all provisions from the path of tbe invaders, and put all the obstructions you can in his way. Every citisen with his gun, and every negro with his spade and ax, can do the work of a good soldier. You can destroy the enemy by retarding his uMirch. Georgians 1 Be firm.

Aot promptly and fear not (Signed) B. H. Hill. I most cordially approve of the above. Jamcs A Sddok, Seo'y of War.

The following is also from the Augusta Chronicle of the 19th CESj, CORSETS, SHAKER UOOUS, dfca which wnx an To ttant. TWO GOOD OFFICES NEAR THE tiold Medal Grand and Square THfh Trnrh-i TTnnltn Itr TWma nmiiu Sold at the Lowest Market Prices Lar.Onk Of TlflTfT? a 169 MAIN STREET. 169 apis Custom Home rntorlng aemedy should be taken byall about to saar-17 certaiiU' Soecass.ln every caaa, B-sencof Life is sold in caves, with, mil Instructions for bsc, at ts, or four quantities la one for Mid will be sent io any part, carefully packed, on receipt of rmuinanoe to Ma aocradliad Cfrcclar sent free on receipt of four tamnal" flfknr WMt Af ltrraaAaM laf tions tor tne execua or Muiier, on tne itn were progres at Newgate. Admiral Sir M. (lord is dead.

Gt n. Tom Thumwitb his wife, are giving private receptions he leading people in Liv-erpooll. I Francs. The rfrted probab'e retirement or Drouyn de '1 II i reported by the Paris correspondence of London Times. The weekly ret of the Bank of France show an inereise ii-h of nearly The King of the giatis is on a visit to the Emperor Napoleot Compeigne.

The Paris Bou was firmer on the 11th, and Rentes closed lof 15c. The Upper the Danish Legislature approved of the tty cf peace by 65 gainst t. Pour membersftained from voting. The Schelswig membeiresent all roted either gainst tbe treaty jnot at all. The King of Denmark would a tbe treaty on the 12th inst Italy.

The del in the Chamber of De Certificates of excellence from THALBEKG, GOTTb- By Frmnh: kliuier. SPLENDID FA-RM FOR SALE. Oir RANSOM'S HIVE SYRUP AND nut a wt i i rr-rrrtL lVliUl Bvon knvi vaiAOo sm acres, near Chautanrma Lake, with a fine large Dwelling and two lmmmt Hmu. a RftWt Affwnt for tm flfh fwrmt. MWaVMt TERMS UUBERAUU i WILtlAM KNABE CO NO COUGH REMEDY has ever arisen so rapidly Into public favor as the above medicine, and ft well merits the popular appreciation.

It is an excellent medicine, neatly put up, cheap, and inst the thing for the Million. No family will be without It when once new Horse Barn, aad four or ftve oter Barns. The land Is splendidly laid oat and well watered, and is one of the finest dairy farms in the State, for which purpose It la used at present Apply to spinas A1. LUHTBEE! LUHBEB! JTXtAi A KAl.NNKK. acquamiea witn its virtues.

HROAT AND LUNGS. At this (mason of th ar. TH Baal Batata and Life Insurance Agent, to Llovd street, comer Main. oclO wucu uiiwus hu KAjiua are umDiwonu. ervfmrw ramiia -I I family OUVIUU BOW B11U rKUllXlV aL MA N.

BAN Among the many war rumors on our streets this morning is one that Griffin is captured by the Yankees. As to the correctness of the ru- SOM'S HIVE SYRUP AND TOLU is the very thine. KJtSlDENCE FOE SALE AT liA-VLA A fine two story substantially built Frame House with Wine. FmiHhed In th iwwt iIa At Moses Sanitli'a Yard, At the Old Btand on Main and Washington straeta, be- Tupper and GeodeU streeta IAJI HAPPY TO INFORM MY OLD 0 well as the public generally, that they need no longer complain of there be ng no convenb-nt xi is nor omy pleasant ror ciuiaren to take, but is a H- STILLMArj CO. Fall and Winter WHOLESALE TRADE I HATS! CAPS! FURS puties on the Condon and removal of tbe mor we have nothing to say.

certain cure for CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA, COUGHS, and all Affections Of the THROAT AND LUNGS and nearly new, with acres of fine garden land and orchard or choice bearine fruit trees of everv kind. Capital was contitl on the 10th and 11th shade trees, and an excellent Barn oa a stone form da We append Physicians' certificates: We learn that a good deal of exoitemant exists ia Macon, and that number ef women And children are leaving. It is evident from the appearance of the enemy at all these points, it is only a caralry raid aiming to strike and destroy all the railroad communications to Macon before the main army approaches, and perhaps renrure farther in the direction of this city or Augusta, And do as much mischief as possible.

It is believed the force at Macon and Milledgerille ample to protect those places for the present. Whether the main body of Sherman will ever get that far down is a matter we cannot venture an opinion upon. Since writing the foregoing, we hare received a prirate dispatch from Macon, showing that np to this writing, half-past one P. the enemy had not struck the road. The dispatch states that no trains would leave Maoon today for this plaosv A P- M.

The telegraph Is still fng to Maoon, from which we conclude that the Anemy has not struck the Central Railroad at iAny point Some of them arrired here last night and tome this morning. -How true these reports from the enemy may be, we hare no means of knowing, and we candidly state to our redrs that we place but little faith in any of them. And much at least is reliable. The enemy with all arms, but In numbers not ascertained, but perhaps from to 30,000 have set out on their grand tour throngh Georgia to the seaboard. The best military authority la of the opinio that the move in the direction of Macon is a feint to cover the march of their main body en Augusta.

The noiect of their destination. Milledgerille. tum, ia ouerca iot saie on reasonable terms ILan with tUes, Boas Oo Apply st. ABK NOW POE PARED, WITH to odO PINNSK, S38 Main auw wrrKHT piaKB innn WOICU to OniaiTl fcTOOfl SKA- SON B1K LUMBER, of ail the varieties, for I have retaken the premises which I formerly occupied, fitted up my aid, and now hava ready for sale a very choice assortment of well seasoned" Lumber, aad fh quality THB LABGBST AND MOST. OOMFLBTB RTMJEir ever held In this Citv.

As our COTTAGE FOB. KALE AT RATA. The undersigned, practicing Physicians and Sur- feons, certify that we have used and prescribed Hive yrup and Tolu prepared by D. Ransom, M. and find it an excellent remedy for ordinary Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchial and Lung affections.

J. A KE8BEGIEU, M. Earlville, N. H. MEAD.

M. MDrriaville. HVaA-A one and a half story Frame Cottage, wall anlshed and ta An nrctar. wlu, 1 a mjr. nt SOFT HATS come directly from the onr i FUBS are of onr own make, we are able to offer without a rote beinme to.

Insurrectionary iflmenta are again reported in Veniti a Art bands had made demonstrations in Friuljl at Yenezone. Troops were sent in pursuilthem. Additional detaiithe floods in Tuscany how that deploratdamage was done to property in and arol Floience. It was beiiered that but few were lost King Victor EmaBand the Csarwitch ex land, fruit and shade trees, aud a good Bam, for sale low. Apply to u.u mwuj nnwii wie former rnpuwuon or mis tabllshment.

My assortment consists of 5lft, white woo, HEMLOCK, MAPLE, ASH, HTCKOBY, OAK, BA88WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, BEECH, CHERRY. BIRCrtT oclO M- PINNER, 838 Main street. as FAKM FOB SAi--A FARM OF Vr Ten acres. With a lla atarr Fmna rinttjum anI GEO. MUNGER, M.

MorrisvUle. N.t. THBO. MEADE; M. Dj PerryvUleTN.

Y. LEVI P. GREENWOOD, M. BrievUle, N. R.

H. GRAY, M. Baton, N. Y. Goods to the Trade, fully as Low aa the Sew York Jobbers.

T3ie highest price paid for RAW. FTJR3. Autll 189 and 188 WaaaUnirtoii Street. WO ID RESPECTFULLY INFORM THB PUBLIC that they are bow prerjaredto execute lathe highest style of Qie arUand at aodrste prices, Portraijbi and ArchiteetoraJ DrawUtaw' Views of Hotels, nannraetorlea, aamasW' Ele-raAora, dfce show 1 RaApa Rail HMt4 BoatAa, mplaaHuaa, j.ti Certlficatea stack. FaeisaUJe Clr cnlarc, Bank Clieeka, Notaa, Dnttsw' AAtkela, Ete.

Their lJng experience in the business, befas; hots Ji practical nieii, enable them to Insure Wing, good Barn, well fenced, at West Batavla, Genesee county. Will be sold low. For terms apply In all their various thicknesses and izei. changed visits at F. W.

BOOT, M. East Hamilton, N. Y. B. 8.

LYMAN, M. D. Sherburne, N. Y. O.

B. WLLCOX, M. Aast. Surgeon, U. 8.

J. MOTT THBOOP, do do do India an Aostej. Bombay mails, Oct. 29th, reached Suez 1 9th. Private Indian Shaved, Sawed, and Cat SBINoLBS, LATH, tcts.

C7" All Of which are offered at reasonable prices, at Wholesale or Retail. 8. I will purchase aU of the above sorts of Lam-' bet, sawed at anr of the mills in the nrmnnrfiT BUFFALO PAPER WAREHOUSE I And Knrelope Hanufaotory HAVE ON HAND THE LAJiGEST AND most desirabla Bottles contain Four and Bight Ounces, by wetsrat. I 1 il fciu i 1 1 -i INOOBPO- telegrams report a fable movement of a CHAHTEK PBBPBTUAL KATAD per dent, in exenan iMTfntrVL nfnJ 1 l'i I a. w-uiBBaiOH WUl ami tux wv.

auu iw. ouiu uv iu urugKUHa. D. RANSOM St Proprietors, fel8eowtfln 1B8X Seventh street, Bnflalo. WILLCOX it GIBBS' mey wiu always Cash d'wntmr i.

fTJJ tDT will alwaya HnffalO. Decmmbw IKTIk I K'. ASSORTBI NT OF ENVELOPES BVBB OFFEBBD IN THIS CITY. FDTJKTBBN different stzasBVaN diSsraat-rol- HVSVRAIVCE CO. er ielStt' WT.miora generally.

tXJaT Milbobsnk, Sept. Gold shipments of the month, 35,760 ouL Trade dull. London Money MU The diaoonntmar-ket was easy, but thUs a fall average de- MOKES SMITH vrMc Ptf bi; IM MatrrttreB, nTV SEWING MACHINES. orMuid ANy B1ZB MADJt TO OBDBB. "Ail First NORTH AMERICA, dass UW1A Otar asaortmeat of STATIONBRS' GOODS 1 ven mana at tne rjana aaucea rates of a per will probably be visited by the right wing of i i 1 1 3 TN COiNSEQUENCK OT THE BECENT A decHneia Gold, kina or mtanw cent.

npHK PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR, A reeestly held at Easton, has awarded a SILVER MEDAL to Willcox A Gibba, of New York, for the BEST SEWING MACHINE The same eneourasrmg report comes to tavfrom the New England State Paw FHZLADBLPHLA. The open market ulso active, but the ue at my, aha Ansucoessiuiiy aeiouuuu, ui eanitAl of oar State-will be laid la ashea It MADE CLOTHING at ftfilM wi-nnmn ddi. It, -vvvvn. aaoDlv abundant at 7 per cent. The pntinent has revived.

oofttf demand for gold for .8 CLARK A BTOBM 19 Main rtreet- racenuy neia oprmgneia, jausa. aiao nrom Ver Sii mont- jrjeuua o. i still of daily occur- BaaaifcUakeat in 1 Mb Ah St. Mercantile guspeasio rence, principally in lan. to complete; FOOLSCAP, AWSfOLIyti OH, LBTTKB, PASS BOOKS.

COMMKRCIAL NOTB, BLANK BOOKS, BTBBb FKNB, BILL, PAP BH And are now offering a first-class PBNCTL FOB SO CBNT8 PBB DOZBM7 PRINTERS GOODS. We have Demya, Folios, Caps, News Inks, Colored Card Xnka, Colored Papers. Press Bands, Dry Ultramarine, Chromotype Borders, Printers'" Carda, la sheets; Printers' Cards, cot, all siaea; Plain Letter; Plain Note, French Folio, Copying Papers, Bristol Board Cards, Glased Papers, PJaidPapers. JULIUS WALKER, Agent, dl US Maia street F. VASUUUUI, DR.

LAKE'S OFFICE, OOR. OOMMJSBiTAL AND CABAL Bj Telegraph laeastown.) A f3r A Scholarship is good la onr Thirteen Collages. Book Keeoinz. Pnwmajiaiini PHYSICIAN FOB ALL CTJBABLf? DI8- In the NeWCoaunarcial Btock, UpBtatrs, HV9WJklU. a bases, is now located at 84 WEST SSNBCA Law Jaal MaaheaBatiaa.

a tanitt in nnd -CiJ jjfTTy. DE. J. G. LAKE'S mPEg'" Oldest Insurance Company lit America.

CASH CAPITAL AND 8UEPLU8, OYER SlaeOOQOOJDO OVER TO TEAKS 8TJCCESSFTJL BUSI-NB8S experience. LOh-K8 PAID since organization, (17,800,000, witA. Odt the dedaetion of a east or a day's del ay I 1.1 RURAL KAJja toaUthe safer classes of property. DWnTLUNGB and CONTENTS lnsored for short or long periods, on very favorable terms. BRiCK or 3TONB WSLLXN'48 jAsared PBRPKT-CALLi, If duaired.

on terms of the greatest economy and safety to the insured. It i WISDOM and ECONOMY to insure In the beat oTaaar, (jrormeriv at Mrs. lion's, Swan street-rate at No. Park Place) Continues treatments the Resident PrfnCTDal at Boitklo-J. d.

TfTrvAWVn does Borbeeome to apeak of our preparations for this formidable invasion. Suffice it to say that If the people of Georgia will only cooperate with the army, it will be met and sue eessfnlly resisted. We have only to be true to onrselree now to sare the State and ntreriv destroy the invaders. If Are fail from panic, lake- WAtianese. other causes, we shall prere ourselves uallt to be free and worthy of the abolition yoke that awaits ua la this connection we urge upon our readers the patriotJo and earnest appeals of Gen.

Beau- regard and oar members of Congress. Let the saJutAry advice they give be followed by very Georgian. Those living in the path of the enemy should not fail to barn and destroy r.thlmr that can be of the alighteat assist- The following la tasen from tbe Augusta Sentinel of the ISth We have this reliable news from up the river: A gentlemen who arrived on Thursday evening from Stone Mountain, reports that a Yankee column moving down tha Georgia R. divided at Decatur, half going down the Covington road, and the other the Rockbridge road. At Stone Mountain they bnrned all the unoccupied houses, some two-thirds of the town, and were laying waste the country as they progressed.

They march in a hollow square, with their trains in the centre. They united at. Baker's Mill, near Covington, and it is not known as yet whether they will strike for Eatontown or Athena. This gentleman says that the view from the summit of Stone Mountain of the conflagration of Atlanta was awful beyond description. The Gate City looked like aa ocean of name as the fiery waves rose and fell throughout its whole extent.

Passengers by the Georgia Railroad last night report that about 100 Yankee cavalry made tneir appearance at School Circle on Thursday and burned the railroad platform. It is not believed that they have come down any further than the Circle. Their infantry encamped at or near Old Sheffield on Wednesday night. It is also reported that tha Yankees have burned Monti cello and HiUsboro which if true, clearly indicates that they design tapping the Central Railroad at Gordon, or some other point Passenger trains on the Georgia Railroad yesterday only came from UnictinPoint. The Maoon Telegraph of Fndajty says that city on that day was considerably7' excited wing to various reports in regard to the anemy, who are known to be positively marahing oa the eity.i Gn.

Cobb "has issned an order sailing out every man Capable of bearing arms, and all who do not respond be has ordered to be arrested. Tha TWeyropfc farther says: There is no doubt thai tne military authorities will do every thing in their power to stay the advaaee of the enemy, and we trust they will receive the cordial support of the entire We refrain from giving any infortnation concerning tha movements or tha number ol oar forces. 1 vv 4 if ha Macon Telegraph speaks thnaj of mattera at the fronts- -r 1 sMt We hava. reUaWe information to the effect that the Yankees Tare advancing from Atlanta in this diractioa ia twa oolumna, one oa tha Out tuiaw i year- cases of Mb tr Ha varidmi tovau-liij such DISEASES. uf rWn same as before, healing all curable diseases without medicines.

No Birrrical Derations or barah lu aliitmil JOrrt farther iniraTBatioB, platse call at Loudon, jNor. 13. jtreaty of peace has been finally adopted bptb Houses of the Danish Legislature. I Capt, Semmfi8 was oird the new Confederate cruiser Sea King i she received her crew from the Laurel Madeira. He explained to the men whdezpeoted them to do ia tha rebel fervioe; considerable, row then ensued, and out of kt 100 men 36 de- nlinAil tn ffA.

vpew uwwk auv uuiuraa mtnn nwii in. performed. I have been in Bonala three and a half years, during which naw 1 have narfbrmed thousands of cores many with but one treatment. Call and pro cure a circular Price of treatment at Office, from One atrW a Bnflalo. N- to Three Deuars visits out, from Twa to Five Doubts BOOKraBEaVsTOOS.

-Btssw Boare, Head Bandat MarblePaper. For Sale at the LOff K3T CASH FRTCB, oy Jt. JBWKTT W. Odg 188 and Iw Wlhina St. Bcnaio.

C0MF.1ISSI0N r.ERCHAriTS. WBaTiBBB Ol n.BArTS AHrmS rjmpbtna remainlmf, to be at oncaftfTjy1 uonsouauaa irea Office boors from 7 to and 1 to I P. W. Paris. Nov.

lStfc Tbjirt a-serts that Cempanies, and there is NONB BBTT8K than, the aid Water sent to any ac'dress, wtth dtrec- Eneland Jhaav acalteds.on Oreat Powers to tione me neat rameev anr buhm collect collectively agairfc. seizure of tbe AAlBu JtfcAM vA W. nVtLXU. AJUUUCA- I. P.

DOBsnNS SON, Aarenta, ocl4tlalS NO. 4 PBTatB STBBBT. fiammatory diewce, ewer ased. Price DO ABB BBAfcOHABUa. Tna1 au puked a a saw Dttakrt CceJSL "ifeireaKa bottle Can be bad only at my Office, 34 Want street, Buffalo.

NY BtylOrf uHIa Uidrs and Leather, Rentes elesa at 65f 20 ORONK'S sretarr has re- Lohdom. 13. The Ho i lIAliFSNKllvrKJ i be rfrlT snrarlr10- encKMnac a 'reasiMis we 1 m-r a. he will be exe- fused to reprieve Mulle Wltl An It. lAtk toa Addtoss ai ETC.

SHEEP PELTS, TANNER'S 61LT1 a SkmwM i AKD 8 QUAY JL Tt 1 A Una; aeeeive by Thewaaklr eottoa atari Vaa a At at af'' BT? Pa4ited April 19, CHALLENGES THE XBVaSmaaKA AADX1A A D. CHALLENGES THE Ccajer-Waahlngtrsa atreet ii nrmore esiblng the most com- aaoe to tke enemy. Nothing can be lost by it, for if left, every dollat's wortb w.ll be swept way by the invaders, and It will only subsist And aid them ia their diabolical designs. Let no man consent to be their quartermaster or commissary. The ooaatry lhas made AtAlftt, and the roads and crossings obstructed, thVeoemywiU be delayed to bis certain destruction, and again let every to ahonlder a musket, dy to the rescue in Ibis time of lnvniaen pe.lL.Doal be.

guuty ot the folly of supposing that all 1- That we have no Army to be brought to bear agaiajst the enemy, uti that it auim tn. nsrillUe and property COLLEGE. TVYEElVS the Moravian at Portland. TLrEBCAHTlIf tT WOKLD TO DTodoca its eanaL No Maeaine mr btrmutif has A PLBTat DIARY ra tbe markat, caa be aappQed by leaving their orders early. j.

Lirerpool Breadstuffs nrt was generally Ma eorner of Mala and Swaa N. Y. Tha lanraat and moaS aariaaw XTA BTXXIUA. ausis, Buflalo, X. ieao.

tnat with so much favor aad sawess ia so short time. given whan reqatred A. r.Miilaa, fataof Walch MUlar. steaajasi i ne marafa neutg poony anppnea, sea tcdBcea tne arre la its coarM of stady, of aaty aimtlar inatitatioa Late of L. K.

PHmMoa a bob ninscnoer io issue tae watrAjrrjc rucaET tta. Richard on. nenoe A fSIrland. Athaye RY. varies siM arid mle to meat tAa wan tanT all i 171 iUaViB Street.

for tha reason that tt la cheap and darabla, is not lia-M to get out of order, ia easily adjusted and operated. Bent and easily handle. Waahea quicker, easier. Gleaner, aad wears tha clothes tans than any other ma- never had a Graduate tha lost his sitaatfon bori in own customers. These Dianas rants Is a laaviiie competency.

We satisfy the attaotlve or roftand fiouirrY iHoo rr aAvBMt-Biaistsisg etaa to tesea rrom. ehethUA ot Taxes aan stamp Dntten, eesapuad aoot the law bf June 80. 1804. bv O. F.

rVMhn7 AaMMor avUmg aaretaAsata eopyins nrintad hooka. TTTILL BE PATJJ TO ETEX MAN Ha that read, hiss Bsdaretand before oa, let iff. waei ess his Scholarship. Bcaaiarama AdrX aaUovi iaun 7 in a hopeless cause. -None of theee things are true.

We have troops ample in number that will ha ham ai tha rfirht time, and Strike A fa- aol i 80th District, together with other information sot eon I tained ia any other Diary yov publiraed, wffl ae i read. Be eoatomera wiU do well ta wait aal the camplete Diary. Tbe Te supplfiial ta a limrt. xtea4fotneredaarly. J.

HKajBt aanjasa, m-k enina er proeeaa. wui-aea bbjutv tae aaosa aeneaie fabris, and yet with tbe ssame ese thoronghly waahas aad conplately Bedoullta, Coeatarpaaas, Ta. hle-apraads and Clothing. It will wash more clothes ia fifteen minutes, than can be done by the old process mi aas'aBd aad peoaneria cm bnor-doring it in the aBoat jperfset axaaner.y Khirta, Collars aad Laces, avasaeaTby this Washing Machina. U1 last one-third levgarlbaa When washed by band.

win pay farlhwAf every striaarths, ta Uaavmgaf dothea Maw. nnwtded tha eldKena of Georgia will A P. gTEiar WOULD, CALL CTlt 1 yTENTlON oTtbe pubHe fllyuijrArre Aoek of Keadr Made 1otmaav which will be soWoaSt eta vary lprtca. hewisbea to tlve ptae Beady Made Clothing bam- PTabV, ta OTdt to devntarhu wboja auaatioa totbaCUSTOai TRADE, which will befoaad paofaetr, ia atTBs arancaea. Garments wamattd.

to fit, aad toutoaaostfiwUbnabtoatytai Bta stock of FUBNIBHIsa GOOD: stae. aeaaalasaiirta thectty. r' i parties wleUac aa pnrcsstw atBABX.MADaVfsw CJLOTBJNQ, WiU lnA griatly to thadvaaiacto, sgamlae his stock betas jwrchaatag 1 self 1 iLtSl aaaieaeiiiinisia anil ae aivaa ui wt 1 No mnary yst pnbllahed, usaiawis a saneet arawaBis aXOIIAIRr. "TMB9M lerslraed. hiailBaa I of tbe aew Tax Lawv Co.

and others. report Irau Bed western fa ti( red southern Ts IdQSs; white southern 8 per eentaL Liverpool -ProriMoo et-. WafcegeM, Nash ft Gordon, Bh C6. and others report beef oil and nominaL' Baoon Steady. BaUer flj Lard act! re and advanced Is.

Tallow at an advanoe of Pfoduoe Marke Ah st aad steady. i4 8agar npwArd. i Qoffet ly. Bioe advaa-' olnjB. Linseed oti iaiet at ft Ixinoa MarkaawBA ostsa aVaaOatoSh.

ftrav! Sagas Inae at a taee of d- Oof. fee lipwArd with aa adv id sa Js Jtla, tpTalW; adva aa4 wttctod -at Oa9da41s. Ltaasad IJasawd 1 awi MS Maia arrw: P40iaa Boildlaaat. thaa Aa.aniiv their duty to harraes and embarrass tha anarch of the anemy. This is no goes of odrs, 'r Imt a fixed fact.

The skies may look darky bat the opportunity has arrived for tha people to aarike tha blow that will da more than all oth- TWO HUNDRX DOLLAKS PREMIUM aat brhaav atacamssare mm aad at oa aol tethe tnaas arf no a kibt mrwni bto jtdf i2 rlf 1 rf.l tl af tarTaatuid r1 1 a aseoreu aaa anssBBA -3 -fc TlaaUU4V. i "TT-'nr Iran Ttiaiiililar flffimri Becmriiie atr- C-HTLL mHaawereBrjra. era toand the' war and reetorApeacA te th aa)a '-'xMnuo. N. Nov, -lass, amf l- 1 Kawa)Mstnsiiia, BUWALO.

COAL4 TABES A NO VAMCT att; a-rama -art i flaem it imDradaat as praseat to sn it Impradaat a prseoet to, coaBtry, and what are our Carolina friends 0 JT ataaa. a MntUMAA wasV left Iromrtli on TTinrsAsct VSAu Hmnwtteiaiaar Mr taw aaaaBWaraB i 1 OOAL PoUSU Vf aKarTBffaasiiliei. teat weat-ed at- In tnm lii ilils real siseiiiiiniT CTTiEBG fSp JB JAAF A aa VAw JBI Af a awrapB vf Fowt Moae, rNor. tsWBr MafL' Sold DnsSatot wiM JP-wm Qie lit hu at 9 o'clock. Infome as thA a eaarler arrived at thai alaet ajbout kalf aa man aatoiav 'sjAD SBUalTlaJla The and Blsokesona arrived thia know CORDS, TAfeSBLB ad TIOM.V, svay-w.

wttk rtaalss to ataack AaAeMs atOVm! 'jl-AJJNO, which AA laA AKD I omlnc at Hampton Roads; from' tha Savaa- lBvt.ajj. oner vary row vhibiii as; BUtOX i aLTBJciBKINQ iiaaa IT" llftm al pertoo-leim owtcd at Heiaeoi tnare araa aoaaa Taakea aaTal- aatl U. at. i OtTlfl, fTfearlsa, BVB aak river. Geora, with WOO released TJnioa HM 'IN 3- Ul J-.

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.