The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

NEW YOKl STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS, DEC Net Chg. 19:14 High Low 97N 79 106 90 1044 90 8914 354 144 80 49 8)4 Last Net Sale Chkf IN 9 88N 99H 4N 14 1 80 48 4- 12N 33N 874 62' 24 20 '4 UN 64 36 4 IN 9)4 67 4 64)4 24 Wi 2314 04 (0? 49 14 83 28 -Hi 58 If "IN w- ii i 1H ii -fUi 1 4- 1 a -84 IN 4 ii 1134 Stock and Dividends In Dollars 18 A Abraham 4b Straus. 68 Adama 1108 A da ma Express pr 20 Adams Millia 80S Addreseofrraph 108 Advance Rumely 188 AffUiated Product! 108 Air Redurtion (t44) 900 Airway Electric A 108 Alaska Juneau (t 18) 8380 Alleghany Corp 8900 Allet Corp pr SOO Alleg Corp pr i $38 900 Allej Corp pr $40 (08 Allied Chemical 708 Allied Chemical pr 808 Allia Chalaaers 700 Alpha Poulaad 100 A mat Leather 600 Amerada Corp (2) 700 Am Af Chem Pelavare(8) 408 Am Bank Kate 2800 Am Brake Shoe 800 Am Brake Shoe pr 110 Am Tan (tSl 8400 Am Can pr (7) 208 Am Car A Foundry v. 200 Am Car Foundry 208 Am Chain 200 Am Chide (184) Am Colortype 108 Am Commercial 8300 Am Crystal Sugar 400 Am Crystal Sugar pr 10 Am Encaustic TUinc 8408 Am European 100 Am For Power S000 Am For Power 6 1300 Am aV For Power 7 1100 Am at For Power 1100 Am Hawaiian Steam 200 Am Hide Leather, 100 Am Hide Leather 1700 Am Home Prod (2.40) 900 Am Ice 8500 Am Ice pr (6) 300 Am International. 1000 Am 1-a France pr.

30 Am Ixx-omnUvi 1700 Am Locomotive pr 200 Am Machine Fdv (1) 2700 Am Machine Metal 100 Am Machine Metal 100 Am Metal 2900 Am Power ec Light 6100 Am Pow LS pc pr (14) 1310 Am Pow LS pc pr (14) 2100 Am Radiator St 7200 Am Radiator St pr (7) 10 Am Rolling Mill 9400 A Safety Razor (4) 500 Am Sealing 200 Am Ship 6x 300 Am Shipbuilding (2) 160 Am Smelting 8300 Am Smelting pr (7) 800 Am Smelting 2d 600 Am Snuff (t3i.) 200 Am Steel Foundries 2600 Am Stores Co 10 Am Sugar (2) 1900 Am Sugar pr (7) 100 Am Sumatra Tob 800 Am Tel Tel (9) 12100 Am Tobacco (5) 2000 Am Tobacco 8 (5) 2700 A Type Foundry (k) 300 Am Type Foundry pr (k). 10 Am Water Works (1) 751)0 Am Water Works 1 pr (6) 100 Am 1700 Am Woo'en pr (h24) 2400 Am Writing Paper. 400 Am Writing Paper pr 100 Am Zinc Lead 300 Anaconda Cooper 7500 Anchor Cap (60c) 200 Anchor Cap pr (64) 50 Andes Copper 200 Archer Daniels 400 Last High Law Sale 41 ii'i 5 IH. lit nii U' 14i 1601, 138 I3i 28 1 48 122 UI'4 U31i 66 4 49 15 18 4ti 4 Hi H- 'i 4 1U4 1224 114 5 S9 la! lHi 904 ia4 12 32 19 4U 86 as IN WH IN 184 4 88 18)1 14 84 4 138 123 16 184 UH 184 27 118! 109 149.4 1H 87H 82 634 3 29 8 4 8J 18 1. 114 284 31 3 574 64 84 49 P24 64 6.4 14 8 12 104 IS 1874 2Hi 63 55 23 1224 1064 654 154 42 624 1254 224 1014 784 81 4 34 124 13 59'j 'i 444 1 4 3,4 174 1044 44 5 64 SO 704 11 87 52 35 6 8 24 4 394 64 24 134 61 54 5 214 12? 15 414' 114 35 6 164 704 11 164 16 40 as 82 8) 1 111 184 1324 124 184 484" 4i 134 274' 118 1494 164 374 824 66 8 81 4 IS 16 74 Jl 4H 24 814 3 C8 64 34 164 494 83 4 64 6 4 14 3)f 124 114 154 1374 224 65 64 224 084 1234 1674 66 16 42 3 1254 22 1024 794' IS1 123 164 ml 84 w( 45 18 874 1184 109 1484 87? 824 63 3 rH 6'4 4 1 62 li 72 48 10 13 1 20 SO 1T' 22, 10', 42 36', IS 45)' 10 88 i 74.

23i 18 10 Z7 12 29Ji 86 mi 137Jg 6't' 8. 30 125 108 71 26 44 72 129H 24 125U' 89 13 SSI 27i 80 83 ni 9 106 10! 39 Uli 85 70 18 89 73 i 90 54 16 24 56 16) 16, 65 10f 16 64 34', S7Ji 115 88'i 10 19i 76i 15'i 287 19i 26 6V 464 4 11 11U' l4 a 25 4 8 354 iJi 3 IH 94 10 1U4 13 'i 36 84 100 714 10 37 46 1634 134 1004 67 3 7 12? 64 7 36 1 10 134 84 4 4' 26 2) a 464 64 3 46 454' 704 244 6 74 214 854 164 7 89 4 4 4 12? 15 354' 954 164 64 104 58 94 124 4 14W 16N 64 114 24 SHi 34 64 34 15 49 23 6 6.U 144 12 4 104 15f 1374 224 65 64 82 1 37 2 I22i 1064 664 16? 48 62'i- t25? 22N 1014 59 81.4 12), 14 694 84 454 1 4 i 10i 174 104 4J 374 54 64 SO 64 704 12 82 34 124' 594 9 454 1 4 4 104 174 104 i 4U 374 65 80 64 704 12 88 63 864 364 1H 8 25 404 64 244 nn 614 54 54 224 13 154 414 115 35 64 164' 704 11.4 16 Armour III 11500 Armour III pr (6) 2300 Armour III pr 100 Arnold Constable 400 Artioom pr (j 1J). 20 Aas'd Dry Gds 2200 Ass'd Pry Gds 1st pr 600 Atchison (h 800 Atch pr (5) 100 Atlantic Coast Line. 1200 600 Atl Gull pr 100 Atlantic Refining (1). 3600 Atlas Powder (2) 800 Atlas Tack 200 Auburn Auto 1800 Austin Nichols 200 Austin Nichols pr A 118 Aviation Corporation 6400 Baldwin Locomotive 6400 Baldwin Locomotive pr.

600 Baltimore Ohio 7000 Baltimore Ohio pr 1800 Bangor Aroostook (24) 200 Bangor Aroostook pr (7) 20 Barker Bros pr 30 Barntdall Co 2900 Beatrice Creamery 800 Beechnut 100 Belding Heminp.ay (haOc) 630 Bend's Aviation Co 2300 Beneficial In Corp (1,4) 500 87) 524 86 35 6 8 24 394 64 C4 13? 614' 5-'' 64 124 15g 41is 115 35 164 704 164 16J.J -r 164 (Btpck and Dividend In Dollars Public Service 6 pr. Publie Service 7 pr (7... Public Serv pr (5). Pullman Car Pure Oil. Sale 100 300 200 2300 )1308 100 UOO High 78 88 Vi '4 if 64 9X Purp pi Puritv Baking (1) Hdio Radio Corp 8 Radio Corp pr R4io Keith Qrpheum (k) Ry Sec 111 Raybestos Mnhat Reading (3) Real Silk Real Silk Hose pr.

Remington Rand Remington Rand 1st Remington Rand 2d pr. Reo Motor Car Republic Republic Steel pr- Reynold Metal Co SkellyOi Reynolds Tob A Reynold Tpb Ritter Roan Antelope Royal Dulcj (h 1.35 8-10) Safeway Store (3) Safeway Store pr St Joseph Lead (h 30c) St Louis San Prgn (k) St Louis San Fran pr (k). Savage Arms 7 Sehenley Distiller Scnulta Retail Schulte Store pr Seaboard Air Line (k) Seaboarif Air Lipe pr (k). Seaboar4 Oil (Del) Sear Roebuck Second Nat Inv pr (j Serve) Ine Sharon Steel Sharp Dohme. Shettuck Cp (25c) Shell (injon Shell 4'nion Oil Silver Kinj Co (40c) Simmon Co Simms Petroleum (h 55c).

SkeUy (Jil Hloss-Spef Steel Slosa-Shef Steel pr Snider Pack Sncony Vacuum Soivay Am lo pr ww (5)4) Spqth Porto Suf SouthernCalifEdison(l)4). Southern Dairy Southern Pacific. Southerq Railway Southern Railway pr Spalding Spear Co pr. Spencer-Kellogg J.60) 8 perry Spicer Spiegel May Stern (h 25c), Standard Brands Standard Com Standard Standard Gas pr. Standard Gas 6 pr.

Standard Qas 7 pr. Standard Investments. Slapd. Oil Expprt Stand Oil of Calif (1) Bland Oil of Indiana Stand OJI (fl 4) Starrett Co (h 60c). Sterling Product Sterling Securities Sterling Securities pr.

Stewart-Warqer Stone Webster gtudehsker (k) Studebaker pr (k) Sun Oil Co (tl) Superheater Co Superior Oil Superior Steel Symington pr Tenn Corp Texas Corp (1) Texas Gulf (2. Texas Pac Texas Land Tr Texas Pacific Thatcher Mfg pr (3.60)... The Fair Thermoid Oo Thirt1 Nt Invest (h Thompson Products. Thompson Starrett Tide Water Oil Associated Tide Water Oil pr A (j8)a) Tide Water Oil pr Timken Pet Axle Timken RP(tH4) Trans-America (q 25c) Transue Wil Tri-Cootipental Corp. Tri-ContinenUl pr Trico Products (21 Truax Coat Truscon Steel Twin City Rapid Tnderwood Eliot (2).

Upjpo Rag Paper Union Carbide Union Oil of Calif (1) Union P4cific (6) Union Pacific pr (4) Union Tank Car (1.20).,. United AirUpes United Aircraft Corp United Am Bosch United Biscuit (1.60) United Carbon (2.40)..... United Corp United Oqrp pr (3). United Drus United Dyewood. United Elec United Fruit United Gas (1.20)..! United Piece pyo 1 1 Distributors pr.

Foreign Sec. Freight (1) II S. (Jypum (tl') Qypsum pr (7) If Hoffman Miph 9N 46 664 44 24)4 23 684 14 60)4 694 ,67 64 26)4 67 87N U4 624 MX 13)1 88 mi i'4 16 234 14N 85N 6 35 IN 8 834 80 2 Wi 88) 4 mi 6 67 89) 4 6N 80 28N 840 9800 404 300 63 4 2600 2N 100 8N 800 204 100 41)4 500 a 20 36 4 ioo 19o 10)4 W0 67 4 10 64N J500 3N 4100 14 900 4IN 1700 34 200 6)4 10 7300 60 4 200 6)4 900 23 600 89 57 113 27N 4N 6)4 124 88 a 8054 8 8N 38)4 61) .68 18 4 74 18N UJi 89 Wi 24 17N UN 27 43 194 19 J08)J 3 224 8)4 384 864 414 13 0 6lQ 33 5 784 85N 8 17 17 33 384 114 824 60 4 15N 664 8 7 134 ON 47 74 i 25 3 64 294 434 64 12 431 62 17N 22 B0J4 5V4 14N 86 1004 41 8 '-4 'wi 64 784 424 6)4 mi 8N 88) 4 98 isn IN IN 6N 17 8 18 20)4 31 22 6N 4 6)4 0 67 8 8N ni 6 16 18 6)4 12) 4 86 30 104 14 14N mi 14 5 39 nx 6 6 10 UN 8 8N 4N UN W4 96 4 ml 884 89) 4 6 474 U4 3 4N sn 10 614 UN Hi 4N 1)4 3N mi so 2N 6)4 Wi 39 4 8N 13) 10 IN 64)4 80 V4 24 6J4 44 3 60 83 IN 3N 86 89)4 700 80 8900 900 590 400 6200 3600 249 610 4')0 18Q9 6300 140 7500 800 600 1400 8600 400 600 2400 1100 200 40 90 2600 18200 100 6700 20 6700 7310 8410 200 800 10 300 8400 100 1600 16800 808 1400 1490 700 600 200 200 J1900 8800 6900 800 1800 IOO 600 100O 4300 6000 700 400 600 1900 400 900 200 9590 4790 4700 1600 100 100 400 100 200 8100 1708 4000 700 100 500 3600 1300 400 3200 31)0 ioo 400 800 400 190 7200 3500 1800 600 600 9800 13676 100 600 8700 39800 4300 1300 100 500 2100 13600 800 300 I 180 200 400 600 20 300 6)4 113)4 IN IN a mi 84 17)4 ii Hi 234 88 60 8 8) 4 'X iN 64 69 10)4 9) 4, UN 6N 184 89)4 184 134 074 204 11 14 18)4 6 64 63 33 8M UN 70 18 3N 44 6)4 UN Wi IN Ul 24) 42 18)4 68), IN 4 2 12)4 66 14 14 74 IN 4N 3N 8N 30 4 614 7 4 22 174 3)4 854 89)4 64 64 614 314 72 V4 44 674 44 4 106 66) 4 25 6)i 16)4 9 48 C34 12N 7 6 73 124 64 84 84 64 13 mi 8N 604 304 168N 89 35 64 15)4 17 28 4 WN 8N S7J4 I84 10N 77 80)4 13)4 4 14 154 271 kX 145 ION 35, Ui 90 71 16? .34 8N 85 3N 21 9) 3)4 8) 59 UN 4 4 6 34 MN 68.4 63 74 104 16)4 IN 6 7H 4 1 89 1 i -N -IN 64; -x 81 84 28 UQ0 70 U6Q 1600 1300 400Q 1900 3600 100 12700 700 8900 4n0 33uo 27 7 27 UN 13 Vt 88 J8N 8N UN 10 esN isN -n t- Vi 814 ieo) I10N 18 19 17N 81 38N IN mi 130 124 ii 1 424 17N 1N 424 42N 6N 194 4 4N 19 84 -rr -rr -Vi 2)4 8)4 22N 10 t7N 136 V4 6)1 284 u)4 UN 0J4 88 k9N 40 89 41 4)4 81 84)4 8 J2N ion 61 1 14 -r i a i T-U4 39 -IX 2 6 12N IN mi 64 84 68 ii 254 9)4 B4 7)4 -IN IN 1 17 64 26.4 17)4 164 T-2)4 80 434 6N WN 19)4 16), 40 1234 64 364 83 Hi 73 67) 4 Hi 17)4 47N UN 33 12N 24 6U4 141 654 69 994 76 61 82 7 16)4 4 84! 96)4 644 29)4 674 2.4 ,45 mi U3J4 Ji in 42 'j )4 28)4 34 WN i2N J4 -IN )4 10? 4)t )' 83) 16H, 9954 89) MN 20) 8)1 'i 0 Indue Alcohol. IT Leather 87)4 Hi Leather A. Pipe Foundry (4).

Realty S. Rubber 1st pr If Em (h 9) Sm (t pr Steel Steej pr United Stores A United Stores pr Universal fa' ()3). Universal Jaf Tob pr (8). Util A 9N 8f 83 88 U4 MM Mo Nnrf drHuiii tm ihm fatlaatiac Malta rheit inMitaUtaa will draw taUtatt I ram alait luteal SAVINGS BANK Rrtctit) Tirr full franklin fravinaa Baak MatwIinMli liilm ill: I. rri4n latlitaiiaa fat aial.

Hame Mtnit rttak tina Ba Saffalk Baak Btttn lastitaliaa far Sla rvtaa Tit Caala Siaa fit tiai Hirmi ta-iBC lniiaii lar iii la Hildrv Mtiait Baak barlrtlava it caU Halt Savinct Baak Blackttaae Saimct Baak SI Rl RBAN t.yaa Ft fralt fcaciac 1 oa In.tilbliaa lar ttiiait Bank Haaata ia fal l-aviae SanrnM aiaca Bank, baaatrvilla Braakliaa ain Bank TRUST COMPANIES Jaa. Jaa. I Jaa. 1 Jaa. 14 Jaa.

IS Jaa. IS Jaa. IS Jaa. 14 Jaa. IS Jaa.

1 Jaa. ta Jaa. SI Jaa. 1 Jaa. 1 Jaa.

la Jaa. Stale StrM Tra.l NATIONAL BANKS 1 Fir 'alial Baak and Braarkea. Jaa. 1 Nal I taaamat Bank aaal Braaka. Jaa.

BROADER TRADING IN STOCK MARKET Tone Improved, but Price Movements Are Mixed NEW YORK. Dec 27 (A. Trading in stocks broadened out today into a typical year-end market. Price movements were mixed and confusing, but the tone of the market improved as selling of utility shares diminished. Yar-end tax selling, while less than in recent yers.

was sufficient to expand the volume considerably, combined with other year-end twitching operations and adjustment cf accounts. Turnover increased to 1.641.663 shares, largest since last July 27, compared with 1.015,765 yesterday. The market received the announcement cf the halving of the dividend rate on Consolidated Gas common with composure. The company declared a quarterly dividend of 25 cents a share against 50 cents previously. Following its decline earlier in the week into record low' ground, the common finished fractionally higher at 19V.

but the preferred sank to a new tow and closed off a point at 72s i. Other utilities rallied. Some steel shares encountered buying on reports the companies were operating in th3 black on the year-end spurt in operations. Inland Steel touched a new peak, closing nearly three points higher at 53. American Rolling Mill.

Bethlehem and National Steel scored gains up to about a point. A further increase in electric power rutput last week, as announced by the Edison Electric Institute, helped to offset news of the Consolidated Gas dividend reduction. Power output attained the highest level since February. 1930. and the gain over the corresponding week last year widened to 7.9 percent from 7.7 the week before.

Radio preferred B. New York Air Brake. Spiegel-May-Stern and scored fains of one te three points. The Standard Statistics average for SO stocks advanced one-tenth cf a point to 72.1. A further seasonal gain of in currency in circulation was shown in the weekly Federal Reserve statements.

Member bank reserve balances increased $18 000,000, mainly as a result of an additional gain of $50,000,000 in monetary gold stock, n.akir.g a record total. Loans to brokers by New York city banks for their own account declined $32,000,000 to $626,000,000. MONEY AND EXCHANGE Monty: Call TO dati 9. d-vs. mophs Commerctal Li-iit Clearings: lnce Bo? Ton New V'orlc 1 1 'a 3 3 3 S33.00O.OO0 15,000.000 4 94 4 60 'a .21 SI 41 .56 .40.23 .25.57 .24 f2 .22 r-5 .13 19 An ux Foreign Sterkr.S S'erlins Demand Frirri tPam Bf "Belgiumi 1 rar.t.

SiiMi Htnly Mirks Germany Flr rirs i Holland S-veJin K'oner (Norway rtenrr.irk) Pese'a? Drachmas 'Greer poliifs i A I sold A Miireis Kio de Canadian (Chile) Japan Incia 4 94 44 .08.56 'a .19 OO .32.93 .25 00 .03.23 .23.78 WASHINGTON-. Dec 27 (A. The Pv of trse Treasury on Hec 2 ai: Re-cpt. $11-332-671: expenditures. "balance.

S2 584.438 916. Ctitloms receipts for the month. Receipts for t're fiscal year 'since July 1. sal: $3,489,169,142 I. 87.794 of emergency ex-wndiiurtji: excess of Gold tSMfto.

BAR SILVER IS HIGHER IN NEW YORK. Dec 27 (A. Bar silver was firm and higher at S3Ti cents an ounce. MONTREAL SILVER FUTURES vtr.vTRCH Tier 27 A. P.

Silver fu tures "closed stead. Sale 8 contract. Ooen Low Close December -i 5 Jo Marcn SI SOB 54 5A J.ti MM 5a. 2S July 55. 68 55.80 54 35 54 35N 54 SO 54 SO 55 05 55 25 55.75 55 85N NEW YORK METAL MARKET NEW YORK.

Dec 27 (A. Copper quiet; electrolytic spot and future, blue eagle. 9. Tin steady; spot and nearby and future 50.80r 50.85. Iron quiet, unchanged.

Lead steady; cpot New York 3.70; East St Louis 3 55. Zinc dull: East St Louis spot nd future 3 72 3.75. Aluminum 22. Antimony, spot 14. DIVIDENDS PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO.

DIVIDEND NOTICE Common Sltxk TinuIenJ Noy 76 A cjuancitf cash StnioA far rk time aocuhi' paned aaaiiif 1. 19J4, P1 a. Ui ci ua pa Ufo Cnimr Captul Sunk el Hi Ccpn by oo Jiouary 1 5. 193) to ariaTKiifra at wand at 3 1. 1 9i4- Ta Ttmitf Book nU MKfaecSaaed.

D. H- Foot, JwawrTww. St faaacm.C- fiim. arrtieoaj Fl FTTB I f.64 VY If Pyi Markitt In WuttfctU Tork atockg irrefuUr. Bonds closed irregular.

Lest Net Sal Chg 78 14 New York Curb irregular. Boston stocks irregular. Foreign exchanges mixed. Cotton off 2 to up 5 points. Wool tops off 10 to up 8 poind.

Silk UP l33 points. Rubber 3 7 points. Sugar up 25 points. Coffee off 2 4 points. Cocoa steady to off 3 points.

drains easier wheat and corn off. Cattle steady to up 50c; heft steady to off 10c. Hides up 1721 points. Commodity price index steady. Electric output for week ended Dec 22 above preceding week and 7.0 percent above like week of 193,1.

Brokers' loans for week ended Pec 26 decreased 8 Bit a 97 97 464 46N 6)4 bn 84 l- 8N 404 3N 63 ZH 84 204 41N a -r 86! 4 I IN 1" 67N -f 644 8)4 18N 40N r-r 84 64 son 394 83 2814 IX 44 3N U8'-4 WHAT STOCK MARKET Tburs 305 230 .219 118 4 1 h3 6)4 2 84 1BN )4 Ui C2N aa 60 7N 84 4N 5N 68 10 8N 15 614 17J4 39 18 134 JO74 164 Advances Declines Unchanged 127 341 184 758 13 25 in yi IN Total Isaufs 854 New 1934 highs 13 New 1931 lows 38 8)4 4 16N IN Hi 2' 1)4 DOW JONES AVERAGES DEC 27, 1934 STOCKS 8 60 7N 84 1- Net Close chga 100.26 .09 35.34 .04 17.00.17 17.62 .05 05. 12 .03 103.06 .03 77.36 .10 00.R6 .26 90.31 8)4 High Low 30 101.41 09.53 69 10 8N 16 6)4 184 294 18)4 134 20 20 35.63 35.10 17.25 16.60 BONDS to 20 Metals 40 Bonds 1st 2d Rails Utils Indus'Js 107! 4 80' Wi IN 17)4 144 mi a 6)4 rr- 63 IN 3014 10)4 IN 17 144 17N 6)4 6(4 63 32 184 17)4 814 8N 6 WN 13)4 ELEVATED FIRMER IN BOSTON MARKET Investments Mainly Off Rails Mixed S2 4 9)2 nx 70 8)4 17)4 ii 9i 6 UN 13N -r- Hi 111 Boston Elevated had half a point gain yesterday on the Boston Exchange, while Eastern Massachusetts first preferred lost as much. Rails were mixed. Boston Maine prior gained a fraction and the preferred stamped gained a point. The "A and stamped issues were oft rnpre than a point, as was Maine Central preferred.

Old Colony had a large fractional gain, while New Haven and Pennsylvania eased. American Telephone was a shade lower, while New England lost nearly a point. Edison was a small fraction easier. Eastern Gas lost a fraction and equalled the year's low. The prior was off better than two points.

While the preferred gained half a point. Eastern Steamship and United Fruit lost fractions. Torrington, United Shoe and Bridgeport lost fractions. First National Stores was off two points. Alles Fisher, selling ex-dividend, was a fraction firmer.

Hygrade Syl-vania gained half a point, to equal the year's high. Stone and Webster, Massachusetts Utilities, United Founders, General Capital, Boston Personal Property and American Continental lost fractions. Woolen preferred gained a fraction, but Pacific Mills and Amos-keag were similarly off. Pond Creek Coal, Utah Metals, Copper Range and Calumet and Hecla lost small fractions. Swift was a large fraction a 29)4 84 4 41 13 67)4 IN 4N 3N IN 12 664 Hi IX IN 24 41M 67H IX 4N )' 4 in 124 66 12'4 1), t-IN it, 7N Hi 2N 20N 61 4 22 WN 3) 4 84 99,4 3.2)4 6)4 64 3 72 4014 4) 4 '4)4 3 4N 204 88)4, 8N 20)4 614 7 4 22 164 3N 9 85 99)4 6)4 -r- 64 64 84 72 404 414 67 4 44N 46)4 15 104 4 mi '6 14X 25 484 3)4 84 )4 -r i firmer.

Following is a table of transactions in local stocks. Nrt Sales High Low Close Chfc 25 Alles Fisher 31, 3', 8' 300 Am Cont 8 7', 7'j 'J 19.1 Ros Albany. llB'i HS'fc I1fi Boston Kiev fin', fio. fini. 60 Ac pri pr.

18', 18 i 18', 10 rlo or st 3 3 .1 1N 100 do 1st A st. fi 15 do 1st st 8 10 Bos Per lO'i go BriclRBp't Bras 6 fill CoDocr Ranae. 31 5'4 in', 5i 3', 4 SO 62 in, 4'I 62 80c 4', l'a 99c i't 135 East Cr aV F. S'l aa or ail, 57 dq pri pr 64' 3 21 East Mas, 8f)r 12 do lit fil. 134 7 6) 72 4 12 24 'N 6N 134 48)4 145 6N 43,4 64 ion mi 6N 16 39 122 64 86 82)i 7 73 67 iq U4 4', I't 40 do pr Ha 1 la l'a ISO do adj 89c 99c 93c- Jc 35 East SS 4V.

4' BO Fconorny Store 20 art 20 28 Edison Elec ...107 lOSli 105; 135 Employ Oroi4P. ll'i ll'a 320 Gen Capital 27 Pfi'a JS'i la ill 8)4 IS Hvgrade-Sylv 27 27 290 Isle Rovale 50c 30c 9m 50c 8 1 50 Ma Central pr. 8 8 1 22.1 Mass Utilities 1 1 1 Tel 91'i 91 9' 3 SO North Butte. 20 Old Co nnv Ry73 lOPoiPn Mills i 11 tm 2R1 Shawmut Assn P'a 3'. 37a B.I Sullivan' Mach.

13'S IS', 100 Swift 1X 18 IS', 1'a i orr'neton ea IfiniTn 63 i 68 a 64M'niteT Shoe 6a1. 67a 68. 'J' 1 50 TTtsh Anpx 1 1 460Mah Metal 2a 8 Warren 8 BONDS $10O0EMassB 5s '48 52V, 52, 52i 1 l'a tfcx-dividenrt. LOANS TO BROKERS DOWN WASHINGTON, llec 27 A. Loans on securities to, brokers and dealers held by reporting member banks of New York city amounted to during the week ended Dec 26.

representing a decrcaso of $32,000,000. The loans for the week ended Dec 27. 1933, were $371,000,000. In making the announcement, tlia Federal ResrrVe Jloarri today gave the following detailed distribution of tha Joans for tho three weeks dealt Drr 28 Dec 19 Dpc 27. 1933 In New Yor't $373 000.000 $605,000,000.

.1838,000 000 Outtid'' Nwv Vqrk 83.003,000 53,000.000 41,000.000 1 90 3 1N aa 3J4 )i 70 'IN 4 mi IN 34 64 89 116 2N IN 4 204 1 8)4 mi 3SN 78)J 68 aa 06 CONSOLIDATED GAS OF HALVES ITS DIVIDEND NEW YORK. Dee 37 (A. P. Directors the Consolidated Gas Cor poration, today cut the dividend on its common stoek In half with the declaration nt 25 centa a share, against 50 cents previously paid. The dividend is payable March IS.

to stack of record Feb 11. In the three previous quarteri 50 cent share' was ordered, prior to which 75 cents quarterly was paid. A statement by George 6. Cortel-you, president, said that increased taxes and operating costs, together with reductions made In rates, "have combined to produce conditions under which the quarterly dividend must prudently be cut In a 18 81N 84)4 88 rr- 14 ii 1 Z- li 4 -IN 4 13 804, 16 884 .3 84 a 7N Stock and Dividend In Dollars High Low 84N 864 100 mi 68 17N iN 88 Int Paper Int Paper 8) Int Paper pr Int Print Ink 8 Int Print Ink pr I Int Ky 7N IntRyPAmpr, 81 int eait iiyv 884 Internal Shoe (2) 9 International 74 lat Tel Tel, 34 lat tsisrsiaie MX J'lasd Ceal (4) S7N 86 77 194 87 mi- 4N 64 18 21 li 94 234 184 tr- mi 83), 69 31N 14)4 20 81 it 164 21) 78 83)4 48 24 110 111) 26 V4 864 19N 854 37 3 224 38 Jewel Te 80 Johns Man 46 Jane A Lpr 800 8400 420 .200 600 100 2700 300 100 3400 10 15800 200 100 80 3800 .100 6000 10 1000 1000 100 10 750 500 600 600, 200 5500 100 56 68 f3 MN 524 ION. 184 64 UN Kansas City So.

KansaaCUy So pf Kayser Juijua (to 7N UN 16)1 IN 6 7N ta 89 1N 88N 88 27 87 11N 80 nx 10 69 18, 114 8 UN 65 Kelly Springfield, Kelly Springfield 6 Kelsey Hayes Wh Kelvmamt Kendall Cg pr (f6.92)... Kennecott (B0c) IN 6 7N UN 89 16)4 6) 88 20 )i 1 9X: Kimberiy Clark. a ftfipney 18 Kinney Co 13)4 (1) 8)4 Kresge Dept Stores .1 (1.60)...., '1 87N 27 UN 90 Hi 10 68N 164 86)4 87 23)4' 7 11 Leoleds Qas Lambert (Jq Lea Rubbes Tire Ieh Port Cement. 73 UH fort Cement pr (9N Lehigh Valley 6 Lehigh Valley Coal pr, 94 Lehigh Vaey 644 Lehman Corp (8.40) 11)4 Lehn (IN). 22V4 UbbyOwem U.JO)..

174 Life Savers Inc (1.60) mi mi 814 BIN 9 1004 174 J84 17N 80 4 33N D4 19)4 424 f7 73 Uggett Meyer Tob Liggett Meyer 700 100 1800 400 200 8100 6600 2500 2700 ifN 103 184 19 17N 81N 84)4 IN 18 74)4 16 4 D4 Lily Tulip Lima locomotive. 15 12 Linkhelt fAOr) Liquid Carb (UN) Loews 1)4 Loft -f 15) LurilUrd (t2.80) 1 J80 13N 21 97 103 Lonllard pr (7) 160 130 fl Louisiana 7N Louisiana, Oil pr. 12 Mu'svilleGaa 600 20 UOO 500 600 300 3200 5600 100 300 25 100 1600 130 300 4500 10 670 200 2700 1800 9)4 18) 44 18 87 LoM'svjlle Nash (h 65 j.uaiam ateet pr 43 41 ii 62 7 mi 8 )s 41 124 33 19N mi 135 45? 83 UN 114 63)4 60 4 95 42 17)4 9a)4 42 11 62 25)4 64 14? aiN 85,4 5N 41 64 64 74 14) 4 84 6 8N 224 oiN 35)4 634 IN 44? 161 15N UN 824 46 134 12? 49)4 23 mi 34 88)4 3 IN 15) 4 1 68 21 60 49 13 28 30 23 35 2N 16) 8)J 20 5J 2N 44 17 8N MacAn-ii (t2,) 42 26)4 43 64 J8N 4 4W 19N 84 6N 64 84 84 22 10 88 185 mi 894 UN UN 604 40 89 404 nl4 8 H4 854 5)4 19 4)4 194 34 Mack Truck (1) Macy ii i ci Magma Cooper Manao Sugar pr. Mandel Manhattan El wnd. ft (k-Man El By gt (k)-, Mamncha Marine Mid Coro Market St pr Market St pr Marlin Rockwell (2) Marshall Fied Math Alkali Math Alkali pr (7) May Pppt 'store (1.60)...

McCaU Corp 2J. McOrory Stores (k) McCrory (k) McCrory pr Mclntyre Min (3) McKesson McK T'n Plate (4) McKesson McLelian stores A McLellan Stores Melville Shoe (2) Mongol Men gel Mesta Machine Co Miami Copper 64 54 8)4 8 22 134 8 23)4 111 3,0 90 800 500 UOO 9500 1500 700 2700 2000 300 800 4500 700 UOO 800 60 3100 200 1300 200 60 3600 7200 300 200 100 3700 1800 200 1700 900 2900 8800 200 600 500 800 1600 if 4N 24 IN Hi 6) 38 4 44 79 UN 1 26 '3i4 24 204 24 84 64 44 IN 154 hli 88)4 104 ION 58 38H 8 4 88)4 39 14 89 41 4'4-80 28)4 24 124 18 el 4N E9 2 12N IN -H 184 4 SN 6a -H 25N 9 9)4 7)4 16N 23)4 ii li -r, 1)4 -r -2 2 41N 4N El 24 3 12)4 ion 62 5 39 1 IN 2 5N 12)4 1)4 -N 14 66 9 63 1 25)4; 9N nx mi Mid Cont Pet (h 60c) Mid Steel Products Mid Steel Prod 1st pr (4). Minn Moline Plow. Minn Moline Plow Minn St Minn St pr. Minn StPSSMLL Miss Kan Miss Kan Tex Missouri Pacific (k) Missouri Pacific pr Mohawk CM Monsanto Chem Montgomery Morreii A Co (3) Mother Lode Hi 1) 4 13 IN 2) 12)4 89 20 87 154 6N ii -2N V4 Motor Products Motor Wheel Mtillins Co 374 Murray Corp.

4N 124 Nash Motors (1). 8600 20 400 19)4 Nashville Chat. 5) National Aviation 3 4 Nat Bell Hess pr (k) ni 264 17 16 2)4 25 V.9X 654 46N ii ii 100 1 13600 54 E6J4 174 WH 47)s UN iX 10 424 7 884 MM nx IX 6N mi 254 Nat Biscuit (2) 12 13 Nat Cash ERA 2000 Nat Dairy Prpd (1.20).... 6500 1 Nat Dept Stores (k). 500 200 31100 6600 800 2600 800 20 Uoo 600 200 2600 13900 700 800 190 500 6290 1400 1460 UOO 4300 1 a Nat Dept Stqres lsr pr (k) .16 Nat Distillers 6)4 Nat Power (80c) Nat Ry Mexgd 34)4 Nat gteel Corp 10 Nat Sppply, gq)j' Supply ii 11 41 42) 7 36 Mat Tea (60c) 17" Newberry JJ (1).

5)a 114 18' 8 16 6 64 Wi 4)4 9 4 30)4 161 83 24 mi 84 Newport Industries Air xr i I 264 43 20 IN 24 4 37N UN 224 45)4 187 100N 45 74N 364 is -43 Chic St Chic StL Dock pr Investors (k). NVNHt Ont West Shipbuilding Noranda Mines (h Norfolk West Norfolk West pr North Am North Amer Norl Amer pr (8) Nolth Amer Ed 1R)4 184 6 ION 44 124 169 88 '4 3N 124 li 68 100 169 90 4400 15100 800 100 8700 100 30 10900 8000 1308 200 1700 1400 1600 Vi ii J4 ii 84 127. 39.J4 64? 54! HX 20 mi 84 4N NorthPrn Pteifir 2 7), North German Lloyd 33 North West Tel (8)-, Ohio Oil (h Oliver Farm Equip Cp. Oliver Farm Equip 37N 87)4 15N 7 194 8 94 334 87 84 85)4 ua UN 6N 6)j ml 6)1 8 94 8N 284 4N 13 6N 88N' 8J4 3N 83 4)4 124 6. 9 34 Omnibus 12 Pti Elevator 3)jj Oti Steel 60 Oweni III Glass IN Pacific 124 raoifieUa 304 Pacific Lightini 19) Pacific Milla (h 70 Pacific Tel Tel 103 Pac Tel Tel pr (6) 6)4 Pacific Western Oil (a 40c) 8N PsckaN Motors Panhandla Prods Ref.

60 4800 8000 800 190 30 700 6000 300 18800 400 200(1 810 aoo 8700 IN J4N P3l1 19N 684 U34 A 1)4 IS 811, 184 69 UIN -H 18 1M 13) 10 1 SIN 68) 83 '84 ml 80 80 si 14 ii as 4 a 86)4 83)4 8 9 7 4 8 IN 184 IN 48 28 il 1)4 Paramount Publ'4 fH (k). t7 rark Park Utah Parmelee Trao Paths Exchang. 1 Paths Exchange Patina i JN 18) ml Ui 89N mi mi 9ii la 0N 8Q Mi 844 10) Slla 4H 67 74 Hi 89 88 48 6U4 14 Wi 484 8e) 64 JN 3 84 184 48) nx 43 8)f 6 J6 14N 6) 84 39i 64 12 Mi ii 14 9'4 Peerless Motors. 1800 80ft 4600 400 7800 8400 108 8119 800 180 1400 8700 8200 44N Penick Ford 61)4 Penney Co 34 Pepn Pix 30)4 ION 3 7 13 Penasyivao a (H 1L. People Peoria Per Marquette.

13)4 Pera MaqueM pr, 18 Pert Marqlprior pr. 814 Petroleum Corp (h 80p), 1934 Sales High Low 400 IN IN 200 700 94 9 300 88N 23? 88 884 99M 60V 4N 4 140 MN 14 200 30 80 200 43 43 800 24 23M 15700 8N 100 12J4 124 800 34 83N 18) pMlpa-PodgaPorplll'M 8)4 Phil Reading Ceal fop, UN Philip Morris 18)4 PhiHipa PaUoleHp, Pierce Arrow Pierce Pieree J8N Pillabury rm 7)4 88 Piftabura Coal pr, 4 a Pittsburg Screw Bolt, 15) Pittsburg Steel pr 1)4 Pi LUburg Term Ui PittatPR Co, Plyraoijth Oil Cp Poor CB. 3 4 Porto Rico Tobacco A I Porto Rieo Tobacco B. I04 Postal Telegraph pr. Pressed Steel Car 6)4 Pressed Steel Car 88)4 Procter Gaa Ca (U.78) 26! rvbllfSArviaaiBjrMMea, in 400 '47 asoo 7808 eoq 600 60S 100 100 1800 68 180 200 3900 300 BOO 100 1610 600 108 8608 740 8 8BN 9 7N 8)4 8)4 .1 8N 814 484 24)2 67 Net Chg 1B34 Stock and, Dividends In Dollars Salsa Columbian Carbon (t8-60) 600 rHi8h Law 774 68- 894 804 80H) 61 812 ml wl 144 1 18N 78 264 47? 95 MU 64 2)1 6N 44 2N 64 em 224 884 61 841, 364 174 364 44 64 384 71 34 104 94 65 624 Wi 914 84 834 Commercial Credit Com Credit 1 pr(84) Com Credit (2) Com Credit pr (l-ttl 904 orn inveatmeni ir tio, ml Commercial Solvent (60c) Com Investment Tr (t24) 1 omnwltn a 814 pr (6) 6 CondeNast 28 Congoleum Nairn Ine (t2) 74 Copgresa Cigar 84 Cenn RyUeht 64 Consolidated 454 Con Cigar pr pi ww (6)j), Consol film ION Conaol Film pr (j 8) Itii Consol Gaa (1).

71 Consol Gaa pr 1 4 Consa laundries 71 Consol Oil Corp (b, 24 Consol Cuba 4 Consol Tetile 61, Con tainer Corp A Zi Container Corp 6) Continental Raking 4 Continental Baking B-. 444 Continental Baking pr (4) 66 Continental Can (3.40). Cont piamond i onuncntai moiurs. 15? ContinentlOilofDel(h50o) 831, Coat Insurance (1.20) 404 Cam Exchange 654 Corn Products Ref 34 Cotylnc 88 Cream of Wheat 8 Crosley Radio 18! Crown Cork Seal (1). 354 Crown Ck Seal pr (2.70) 34 Crown Zellerback 17 Crucible Steel 44 Crucible Steel pr 1 Cuba Co 34 Cuba Railroad pr 34 Cuban American 204 Cuban American Suear pr 37 Cudahy Packing (24.., 134 Curtis Publishing Co 43 4 Curtis Publishing pr 24 CuKiss-Wrighr 6l Curtiss-Wright Corp 11 Cutler Hammer.

954 124 14 344 184 734 88 84 284 344 46) 2a 38 4 mi 28 1034 1374 80 101, Deere Co 4300 104 Deere Co pr (40c) 1300 85 Delaware 2300 14 Delaware Uck 4S00 634 Detroit Edison Co 800 40? 174 69 S6 34 88 114. 9W 44 17N '944 1274 tan 7 27 18)4 mi 171 28N 18N 40 17J4 69 26 34 37N 114 4'4 17N 3)f 12714 21)4 69 25 8H4 874 mi mi 4)4 174 83)4 187 214 7 1094 141 17N 6 1 26)4 108 Hi 24 64 64 44 49)4. 13)4 16 15 6 68 mi 144 104" 21 16)4 71)4 54 44 .34 1 214 824 mil mi 90 53 22? 194 144 70 13 32 23 118 20) Hi 8)4 64 86)4 64 106 2N 69 -20 114 33 i ml mi 69 32)4 106)4 21 25 4 IN t54 18 4 I84 18)4 y) 26 101 34 164 10)4, 60 24 49 2 6N 44 27 34 11 81 Diamond Match (1) Diamond Match pr (1.50), 200 Dome Mines U3 1400 Dom Stores Lid (1.20).... 500 28i 93 Hi Douglas Aircraft 3 Dunhill 3500 600 800 8900 100 130 m'4. 80 115 21 Duplan Silk (1) Du Pont de hf (tjO Du Pont Peb Durham Hosiery pr.

12? ti4 M7 224 194 94 314 110 7 4' 94 19 21 62 14 63 234 25.4 24 4 68 244 28 4 274 10J3- 18 T5 mi 84 54 4 31 354 106 354 924 694 25 214 21 80 27 4 174 63 44 Eastern Rolling Mill 200 79 Kastman Kodak 1700 120 Eastman Kodak pr 8Q 124 Eaton Mfg Co (1) 1500 141 184 64 7N 87N 1084 44 24 64" Vi 45 ii 494 13. 16 13)4 68 12 U' 141 17N 64 7N 87)4 J08N 4N 2N 6i JN 44 49)4 13)4 16 15 5 68 12 10) 21 3N 16 4 724 5N 4N 21)4 33)5 105? In 4 SO 63 22 4N 194 14)4 70)4 25N 18 33 23 119 20M 1)' 7 6 Eitingon Schtld Co 1900 Elec Musical 600 Elec Auto Lite 6000 Eloe Auto Lite pr (7) 161 Electric Boat Co 1300 Elec Power Lisht 4 10Q Elec Power Light (6 pt) 900 44 15 80 8 24 6 6'4 Elec Power Light (7 pr) 34 Elec Storage Battery Elk Horn Coal (k) 45 Endicot t-Johnson (3) 10), Ens Pub Sery pr 1300 500 200 300 800 100 300 200 80 1200 13 Eng Pub Serv 6 pr. Pub Serv pr ww Equitable Office Bldg. Erie Pittsburg 11 5 63 9'j Erie 144 Erie 1 Pr 400 7 9 3 Eureka Vacuum (80c) U0 10? Evans Products Co ISO) Exchange Bu)Tet 290 9700 120 100 200 100 700 200 700 40 2400 200 1400 100 600 600 800 30 800 1000 50 4000 100 10 3)4 7 Fairbanks Morse 30 Fairbanks pr 4 Fed Lt Tract 2)4 Federal Motor Federal Screw 1 Federal Water Service 20 Federated Dept St 23? Fidelity Phnenix (1.20)..:. 87 Filene's Sons pr 134 irusuw 1'ire (6Uc 13)4 Firestone Tire pr (J) 58 First Nat Stores 15 Florsheira 2 Follansbee 10)4 Food Machinery 8 4 Foster Wheeler.

55 Foster Wheeler pr 174 Fourth Nat invest (h 85c) Fox Film A new. 20 Franklin Simons pr 2114 Freeport Texas (2) 114 Freepor; Texas pr (6) 14 Fuller pr i Gabriel Snubbers 8 Gamewell 54 Gen Am Inv Co 30 Gen Am Trans (1?) 12 Gen 6), General Baking (h 100 Gen Baking pr (8) 6 Gen Bronze 24 Gen Cable 27 Gen Cigars (t7) 164 724 64 5 84 1)4 214 33)4 105? 16i' 904 65 22i 44 20 14)4 704 13 33 B8)4 119 14 84 7 36 15 64 107 6)4 24 69 ii 80 344 14 134' 107 314 21 24 26 ii iM 1 185 13) 31 274 104 3J4 164 10? fu! 5 234 5 49 4 160 4 33 44 20 114 434 23 4 1084 104 64 694 25 4 124 364 Hi 22 19 64 4 42 109 64 25 4 64 464 84 100 90 1500 500 700 2000 20 100 600 400 20100 600 1500 53HO 40 200 800 300110 800 6P0 10 1000 800 1000 200 600 6300 1900 400 1600 10 22 10 2510. 2300 400 6200 600 30 3600 1010 700 100 100 1300 7400 2800 30 100 100 8500 36i mi- PN 107 6)4 2N 69 204 UN 34! 4 14)1 13i 68? W-i 106)4 3.N ei E5' ni mi mi Wi vjii 164 General Electric (60c) 11? 4 General Elec Spec 28 General Foods (L8(l) i Gen (las Elec A 13 Gen Gas Elec pr A 6)4 Gen Gas Elec cv pr (6). 61 (ien Mills General Motors 694 Cen Motors pr (5) 34 Gen Outdoor Ad 104 Gen Print Ink (fl) 2 Gen Pub Cor 23)4 en Railway Signals 1 Gen Realty Util 10 Gen Realty Util pr 10)4 Gen Refractories 10 Gen Refractories ct 84 Gillette 1 24 Gimbol Glidden (tl.30) 83 Glidden pr (7) 3J4 Gobel A 16 Gold Dust (1.20)....,.... 8 Goodrich 85 4 Goodrich pr 18)4 Goodyear Tire 5 Gotham Hosiery.

38)4 Gotham Hos pr l)a Graham Paige 4 Granby Mining 4 Grand Union 23 Grand Union pr (3) 28 Grant (1) 8)4 (HM Ore eta (h 50c) 12)4 Great Northern pr 85 Great West Sugar (2.40).. 102' Great West Sugar pr 1 Guan 144, -H f6N 104 Wi 104 60 23 49N 2,1, 27 Wi ST 1074 8)i 23 18 62 i 11? 714 44 134 40 404 164 854 2 6 4)4 84 mi mi 7N IN 13 22 164 16)4 26)416)4 ua ua IN IN 354 42 '84 6314 9 24? ni 92 864 12) 81)4 73-4 104)4 10) 13 12 Gulf Mobile pr 15, '4' Gulf States 8)4 Hahn Dept Stores 1800 25) Hahn Dept Stores 1 uii Q2 13 Harbison-Walker Hat Corp Hat Corp pr 14 Hayes D. 74 Haze Atlas Glass Hercules Motor Hercules Powder (t3N). 6N 69 itersney 83 Hershey cv pr ()6) 4N Holland 6)4 Hollander )50c) 430 4 810 Homeatake (t28) 324 11 Houdaille HersheyA(j8)4) 84 24 Houdaille Hershey R. 54 43 Household Fin pr 294 124 Houston 6)4 2)4 Houston Oil 674 35)4 Howe Sound (3).

12ii 4 Hudson 24)j 64 Hudson 7N IN Hupp I mi Wi Illinois 60 Illinois Central 194 Indus Rayon (1.68) 73? 494 Ingersoll Rand 64 84', Inland Si eel (h 60c) 6), 8) Inspiration 4)4 8)j Insur Shares 174 64 Interboro (k) 674 24 Intereon Rubber UU 4 Interlake Iron Corp 64 2 Int 87)4 la Int Agricult pr 164 181 Internet Bus Mach (p 6) 124 44 Int Carrier 374 184 Int Cement (25e). 464 234 Int Harvester (60c) 2N Int Hydro a 2 lat Mer 294 44 Int Nickel M100 6N 2 lot Paper 600 Last High Law Sale 74 71N mi 8700 884 87j aa 60 110 M8 119 40 so so a IB 80 88 88 712ft 684 mi mi 8400 81 88) 9fH 25a')B 14 1:1 26(10 80M 28 WW 800 7N 1H '4 2700 84 884 88M loo 9.4 60 86 84 84 600 9( 84 ioo nn uh 800 64 bii 8500 -J04 9i toono 2i lN 184 2100 78 71 7 800 8 Hi Hi 28500 7 4 74 74 .600 84 24 1600 400 JIN UHtnii 700 4N 44' 44 830 N'- 8400 I 600 47 4 47 6800 63 4 684 884 200 7N 7 7 2210 ii 6400 i7N mi 8410 33N 88)4 884 489 mi 40 h7 ml 4210 6234 61 61 64 6W 6N 6 400 35 4 854 P54 8000 18- UN 18 J50O 244 23 244 100 42 424 424 600 .44 44 44 600 23 224 224 200 614 614 61 J4 8800 Vi 20 44 Hi 2100 44 44 44 19 a4 88 ii 38 4 200 45) 454 45 900 21 19 204 700 H3 93 8000 84 24 1200 9 4 8N lgoo 174 16N 13 13 22 23 6 aoo 58 67 67 1700 7)4 a) 1000 16)4 16 J6)4 100 6jf 6)4 10 85 85 86 800 zii V4 600 84 83 84 ioo 8)4 8)4 400 73 73 73 200 72 4 73 72)i 40() 104)4 104 104 100 8)4 8)4 8N uoo ion 200 375 875 ,376 1600 824 81 82 6300 84 7)4 8N 100 48 48 48 200 15)4 15 16 700 24 8N 9N 8200 51)4 60) 60? 4 900 44 4 44 2800 114 UN UN 89uo 8H V4 2800 16)4 15 6W 200 21)4 21 21)4 3600 304 80)4 80)4 700 66)4 644 64)4 UOO 644 62)4 "3 800 2N- 2N 9ii 800 4N 4 4N 400 164 14N 15 Sloo UN 84 8N 200 64 6)4 6N 900 4 4 4 100 80 80 80 600 1614 161 1000 6), 5 64 8100 28 4 7600 41 89 4 40 4 8900 8)4 8 4 8), 1109 IN 8 84 23 )g 284 2 2 2 93 2N 94 mi 40 49i 82 40 16' 26 24 4 544 194 6 88 444 76 197. 164 54' 12 14 26 34 31.4 24 46 45 4 34 6 60 3 16 S4 ft 4 104 13' 40 134 'i 24 6 12W Best Co (1.50) 1300 Bethlehem Steel 6600 Bethlehem Steel pr (j IU) 600 Bieeiow San Carpet (n 1). 150 Blaw Knox 600 Bloomingdale pr 10 Boemng Airplane Co 1700 Bonn Alum Bra Co (3). 600 Bon Ami (t5) 150 Borden Co (1.60) 4000 Borg Warner Corp (flW).

8300 Boston Maine 800 Brigus Mfe Co (tl? 10400 Briggs Strattoa (2) 300 Bristol Myers (t2.40) 500 Bkln Queens 100 Bkln Queens Tran pr (4). 300 Broo'ilvo Man Tr (hl4 130 Brooklyn Man Tr pr 200 Brooklyn Union Gas 900 Brown Shoe (3) 500 Brunswick Balke 400 Bucyrus Erie 2500 Bucyrus Erie ev pr. 600 Bucyrus Erie 7 pr (2) 70 Budd Mfg Co 1800 BuddMfgpr 460 Budd Wheel Co 500 Bullard Company 300 Burns Rrns A ctfs. 100 Burns Bros pr 40 Burroughs Add (nt65c) 8800 Bush Term (k) 100 Bush Terra db 200 Butte Copper i Zinc. 100 Butterick 400 Bvers 600 Byers A pr 100 California Pack (14) 121Q Callahan Zine at Lead Co.

800 Calumet Heda 1300 Campbell Wynant 400 Canaia Dry Ale 1600 Canadian Pacific. 3't00 Cannon Mills (2). 100 Case Threshing lSIO Cae Threshing pr (4) 350 Caterpillar Tractor (tl4- Celanese Coro 3900 Celotex eta (k) 600 Ceiotex pr (k 680 Central Aguierre A (1.4).. 810 Central of 100 Century Ribbon Mill 100 4 354 2 ii 1 ii li 'H 80 4 674 224 10 106 4 67 934 23 29', 64 264 234 84 81 1 41 90 4 48 44 4 4 84 614 6 31 24 124' 4 84 11.4 2 6 Hi 18 47 87f 1 3 9 15 11! 34 64 91 384 82 21 19 4 224 65 4 104 107 434 zv4 6 434 424 4 4 4 24 34 5 21 V4 2 24 284 12 40 20 80 4 274 354 294 80 4 67' 664, 224 94 106 4 66' F24 SZH 28? .4 22? 384 84 31 40 4 90 46 66 34 68'j 44 28', 24 124 144 2 54 14 14 175 47 874 I't 24 84 14 4 114' 31 63 90 374 814 18 4 22 654 104 10 106 66 93 3 29 26i 234 324 81 4 41 904 48 66 44 84 614 30 34 124 84 6 14 1U 17 4 47 87'i 1 24 84 1454 34 63.4 90 374 83 194 109 ll'f 68 4 93' 29. 19'j 2Ht 27'i 87'i 58 44-i 97 SOij 61 9'n 75 -u 44 16' 3'i 15 13'i 3'i 9'' 4' 32 44' i 1 a 15? 29'i 18'.

38 86'. 92' 38'f 44i 4 22'i 324 92 yi it 104 284 35 564 23 174 1 6 4 6.1 82 804 174 4 4 89.4 34 3' 14 34 2 34 34 mini 2 2 19.4 10) 294 67 4 244 954 604 8a 10 74 17 13 4 62 a if Vi 8 VA i 23 (54 10; 107 274 4,4 43g 424 'i 74 34 2 34 21 2 81 284 64 12 20 4 90 4 ii 4 wi 664 174 100 Vi nvi 17 184 4 684 86 110 107 424 44 43 V. 424 14 34' 2 8 4 64 20 4 2 284 6M 12 284 'M 274 1674 664 17 1004 12 774 17 IS 4 4 (34 mi 44': 16'i 48 48 li 15 28 in 84 9Ji 28t' 'i 1HS mi 60i 924 24 IX 45 1604 1674 664 17 4 1004 12 4 77.4 17 134 1 84 87 67 184 1024 88 4 94 404 334 78 i CenturyRibbon Millspr(7) 20 Cerro de Pasco (2) 8600 Cer ain-Teed Prex" pr 110 Checker Cab Co 600 Chesapeake Ohio (2.80). 2400 Chesapeake Corp (2 1 600 Chicago Northwest Ry 8000 Chicago Northwest pr. 600 Chicago Great West Ry 300 Chicago Great West pr, 400 Chicago MU St 1400 Chicago Mil St Paul pr.

3490 Chicago Pneumatic 1800 Chicago Pneumatic 1000 Chicago I Pacific (k). 600 Chicago I Pacpr 1 00 Chicago I Pae pr (k). 400 Chickasa Cotton (2) 600 Childs Company 1400 Chile Copper 10 Chrysler (fl 4) 18800 City lee Fuel (2) 800 City lee Fuel pr 100 City Stores 1000 City Stores eta 400 Cluett Peabody (1) 100 Coca Cola (t7 700 Coca Cola A (8) E00 Colgate Pslraulive 5)500 Colgate Pal motive pr 200 Collins Aikmea 1600 Collins Ailrman pr (7), 10 Colorado Southern 30 Colorado South 1st pr. 110 Coiorede Fuel Iron (k). 600 Columbia Gas E.

210 Columbia Gaa pr A (9) 800 ColumbiaPictuxaa ta(ml). 100 14 14 ii 14 14 1 ii 4' 4 2 a 14 1 1 ii li i 324 iii I li ii 2 1 24 ii 44N 45)4 15 104 '4 Wi Wi 5) 4 14)4 9 85 48 2)4 814' 13 7 64 71N UN 6 3 4. 7)4 6N 13 48)4 145 6'4 42N 6N ION 194 6N 16? 394 121N 64 86)4 8 6) 4 714 67)4 IN Vadsco Van Raalte pr Vanadium Vick Chemical (t2.4Q) Va-Car t'hemical Kleo pr (6) Vimrinia ron Vulcan Detinipg (b 8), Wbash Wabash pr A )k) Waldorf System Wlgreeq (m Walgreen Co pr Wa'worth Wrd Baking Warner lro Warner Bro Pie pr, Warner C)uinq Warren Warren Foundry (h, Wesson Oil Wesson Oil pr (4) Wast Penn Electric pi (7). West Penn Electrie pr (8). WPenn Power West Dairy West Dairy West Maryland West Maryland 8( West West Pacifie Western Union Tel 10), 6 4 U34 7H 4N r-x 8t Hi 88 mi: MX '8 80 9 83 4 4 14 84N, 111 66 l' 8N 4-174 844 8I? IX 34 18 I' 84 18)j 16 'i 834 46 mi IN 7N ns 8814 UN 27).

83 14? 81)4 Wi 700 1 10 90 SO 200 18 4 18 itii 810 73 IP 4N $0 76), mi 1 fillf IN 881 88 )4 8 4 4 54 80 1 8W rr. lU 4)4 47 4N 3914 Ui 8)4 If an, 81 13N 81 33 ml 88 C8)f mt 17)1 88 8 4 174 68)4 aa 4f)i 85 164 8714 29 814 84)4 8 82N 100 1000 800 8011 70 700 800 7600 60 80(1 600 800 1230 200 40 ia 40 100 aoo 600 500 800 1700 6300 1900 16900 10 100 700 100 100 700 100 900 1400 14 64 8U 116 8)4 "i ul 1 ml 834 734 68), 68 J06N 8 IN 84 6 mi i mi a 8N 83 il 3 8 7N a Hi 134 a 9ii 14 8) 12 8N 82 4)4 86)4 0N 1254 81 16 (84 8 84 8)4 88 Wasting Mr Brake (60c) WeaUnghouaa Ele Westinghoua El Jsl (84 Weston Electrie. Weatvaeo Chlorine (4flc), Wheeling Steel Corp White Rock Wilooi Oft Wiieex-Rich A (8)4) Wilson Ca Wilson Ca A 42Je 1 2 7 Continued on the Next Page 4 8)4 70 4 mi 384 116 8)4 IN 4 4 I a4 mi 83,4 7SN 68 63 0 3 4 12 8N a ai 4 34 4 90 4 1214 6 (S4 8 84 a 87)4 r- )4 -f -r- ii i- am 4 rrlU 24 r- 4- 4 4- inc. ILLUMINATING COMPANY OF BOSTON P1VIDEND NO. 113 TTO3.TrWurM.

Beaton. December 27. gnaja..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.