How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Took the NIPT (QNatal through Quest Diagnostics) one week ago, now anxiously awaiting results.

Just wondering, for those of you who've already gotten your results, how were they given to you? My doctor uses an online "patient portal" and I've had other results released through that.

Did your docs call? Post online? Other?

Also, for the sex of the baby--I didn't have the option to opt in or out of knowing it when I got my blood work done at Quest. Is the baby's sex right there in the mix of all the other results, or is it separate, or...?

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hi! I took mine last Monday and as you, am anxiously waiting!! I took the MaterniT genome and I will only get a notification that my doctor received the results. Will discuss them with him on my next appointment. The sex of the baby is revealed in the same results

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Oh my gosh, does that mean that if your next appointment is a month from now you don't get them until then??

I hope your next appointment is soon!

I actually have my 12 week appointment today but since I don't think results are in, I imagine it will be kind of routine. Just listen to the heartbeat, etc.

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My Doctor’s office uses a patient portal too. I didn’t see any technical results, just a note from the doctor that said, “congrats, no genetic mutations detected!”

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my doctor called and left a message that everything came out fine, she said to call back for the gender.

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This is an example from what i saw online. So looks like Y chromosome is right in the mix of all results

How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (32)

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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (39)


I told the nurse while I was getting my blood drawn that I didn’t want to know the gender, so she said she would not upload it in the portal, and that she would call. Seven business days later she called me and said everything was normal. I asked her to call my sister in law and tell her the gender since she’s planning my gender reveal on Thanksgiving Day.

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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (46)


When I had that test done with my first they posted the scanned in papers that were sent to the doctors. It didn’t just lay out if things were high chance or low chance, or gender.

They also called about 2 weeks after the test and explained everything and then asked if I wanted to know gender.

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You can call and get the results and let them know if you want the gender or not and if you want them to put the gender in an envelope. I’ve got to call this week and see if mine are in or not. They say it takes two weeks and I had my bloodwork Friday so I’m just being hopeful it’s in this week.

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how did you get your results? And how long did QNatal take for you? Waiting on my QNatal anxiously!

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@jenlynn198 - just got my results! All good and baby girl! I'm in shock - was totally thinking #3 was a boy! But thrilled for another little princess!!

How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (65) How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (66) How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (67) How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (68) How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (69) How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (70)


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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (71)


I just got my results Friday and the nurse called me to tell me everything was fine and asked if I wanted to know the gender. We’re having a girl!

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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (78)


I just got a call this morning and she just said everything was normal, and asked if I wanted to know the sex. It was SO hard, but I said no.

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How are results of NIPT given? - May 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)


How do I interpret my NIPT results? ›

A positive or high-risk NIPT result means there may be a higher possibility that the fetus has a genetic condition. This can affect its health and development. A negative or low-risk result means a genetic condition may be less likely.

How soon do you get results from NIPT? ›

Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

Panorama™ can be performed as early as nine weeks gestation. Most results will be returned to your doctor within 5-7 calendar days from the date that samples are received.

What are the outcomes of NIPT? ›

Low-chance result

A low-chance NIPT result means there's only a very small chance your baby will have one of the conditions: 1 in 1054 women with a low-chance NIPT result will have a baby with Down's syndrome. 1 in 930 women with a low-chance NIPT result will have a baby with Edwards' syndrome.

What to expect when you get your NIPT test? ›

How is NIPT done? A small amount of blood is taken from a person who is at least 10 weeks pregnant. The blood is sent to a laboratory for testing. The laboratory looks for DNA that has shed off the placenta.

What is a good fetal fraction on NIPT? ›

The minimum FF threshold for adequate NIPT performance varies by assay (discussed below), but is typically between 2% and 4%. With a higher FF, there is greater statistical separation of aneuploid and euploid pregnancies, providing greater confidence in the final result (Figure 2).

What does fetal fraction 5% mean? ›

A low FF may indicate a higher risk of aneuploidy, ranging from 2.7 to 23.3% (10–12). If a sample's FF is below the set threshold, it will be considered a “no-call” result, which typically has a rate of 2–5%.

Can you see your NIPT results online? ›

It takes about 7 to 10 business days for your health-care provider to get the NIPT results. If NIPT was done through LifeLabs, you may be able view your results online within 5 calendar days of the report being released to your health-care provider.

How long does it take to get NIPT results from clinical labs? ›

All Clinical Labs' Harmony NIPT testing, including 22q11. 2, is performed in-house at our genetics laboratory, with results available within 5-10 business days.

How long does it take to get results from a percept NIPT test? ›

Step 1 Talk to your doctor about percept NIPT. If appropriate, they will complete a test request form. Step 3 Most results will be available from your doctor within 3-5 working days from the time the lab receives your sample.

How many people get positive NIPT results? ›

Overall, one can expect to get for between 95 and 99% of the women tested with NIPT a negative result. In 1 to 5% the NIPT will be potentially positive and needs to be checked, which is done in the reviewed studies in ~ 90% of the cases.

Can an NIPT test be wrong? ›

Thus, 1 or 2 in 1000 haploid fetuses may have a false positive, and if 100,000 tests are performed, it is estimated that there will be 100 false positive NIPT tests. Technical problems: Like all laboratory tests, rare sample mixing or other technical errors can lead to false-positive (or false-negative) test results.

How accurate are NIPT results? ›

The test still appears to have a 90-99% detection rate, however, when a test comes back positive/high risk for a low risk woman, the chance that the pregnancy has a chromosome condition is not as high as it is for high risk women. Furthermore, insurance coverage may vary for low risk women.

How do you receive your NIPT results? ›

Step 4: Your NIPT Test Results

Your results will be sent to your healthcare provider in three to five business days. The specialist who analysed your blood sample will provide your healthcare provider with a report outlining your baby's risk for various chromosomal conditions.

How long does it take to get your NIPT results back? ›

The results of NIPT can be back in as little as three days, but it can take up to two weeks in some cases. Generally, you should expect to get the results back within about: 3-10 days for the Harmony test. 3- 10 days for the SAFE test.

What happens if your NIPT test is positive? ›

If your NIPT result shows that your baby is likely to have a chromosomal difference, a diagnostic test such as: CVS or amniocentesis can confirm the result. You should discuss your options with your doctor, midwife or genetic counsellor.

How to interpret genetic test results? ›

When interpreting test results, health care providers consider a person's medical history, family history, and the type of genetic test that was done. A positive test result means that the laboratory found a change in a particular gene, chromosome, or protein of interest.

How to read genetic testing results during pregnancy? ›

Genetic screening tests measure risk only. They don't tell you for sure if the fetus has a genetic condition. A positive result means the fetus is at a higher risk for that disorder than the general population. A negative result means the fetus is at a lower risk of having that disorder than the general population.

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